What...you didn't know? It's their RIGHT to be represented in tv shows.
Ha, she's grasping for straws here. And honestly I see sooo many LGTBs on TV it's crazy. I've even seen TV shows and movies dedicated to gays or trans. Honestly at this point I'd say at least 10% of TV and or movie characters have some kind of different sexual orientation. Apparently we need every single character on media to be gay or else we're "discriminating"
Exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if gays start arguing for LGBT affirmative action in Hollywood.
"Uh, I'm sorry but I don't approve of the fact that this movie only has 1,000 gay people in it. This is disgusting, bump it up to at least 10,000 and we may let it slide you terrible Republicans!
Star Wars VII: Revenge Of The Straight White Males