The point is The Division feels like a full game's worth of content while vanilla Destiny felt so thin.
Vanilla Destiny was amazing, one of my favorite times for destiny, content for every game gets old when you reach 1,000+ hours, people just don't understand that they are the ones who make it old replaying it over and over.
Yeah umm, it didn't take 1,000+ hours for Vanilla Destiny to get old. It took closer to 25. People just don't understand that the content gets old at an exponentially higher rate when there is nothing in your game (ie. Year One Destiny).
I thought destiny felt like a full game on release. I had 3 classes and 6 subclasses to play with, pvp, dailies, weeklies, and after a few weeks a raid.
Only the raid came a month later and was never there...
I have no idea what you're trying to say. What was never there?
You said destiny felt like a full game and mentioned the raid. The raid was never there at launch. It came about a month later. What was at the base of destiny was nightfalls, strikes, the missions, and crucible.
Yea, I said it came after a few weeks. I don't know where you're trying to go with this.
Destiny was actually highly praised for the first month too.
It was at 65% on Metacritic at launch and all praise was for the gameplay followed by the strong condemnation for lack of content. Content also being the worry people had coming out of the network beta.
It was highly mixed. People forget that the Destiny hate has been there since day one.
Reviews say otherwise
The only bad review it has gotten is from ign and that's just because it was reviewed by a neckbeard, who's opinion isn't really valid to me.
Edited by Tegorian: 3/18/2016 4:34:13 PMOk so you could say that about any review as it is an opinion but even gamespot only gave it a 6 at release. It by no means was a critically acclaimed game. Metacritic has it at 75 while another game most people on this forum bash is rated higher. Edit: end of story destiny could learn truthfully from The Division as I'm sure they learned from the fiasco that was destiny over the last 2 years. Not games are great but OP is being a complete fanboy about it. Destiny really could use more heavy RPG elements to add the diversity we would like to have I mean how many times have we said there needs to be better end gear so we can look different.
Edited by Shadow Artiste: 3/18/2016 2:26:03 PM[quote]Destiny was actually highly praised for the first month too.[/quote] And rightfully so. It played beautifully, it was artistically stunning and bursting with potential. But no one was praising it for its breadth of content, in fact, that was one of the chief complaints.
Which was how long ago? Move on
Edited by Star Gazer2: 3/18/2016 3:42:17 PMDuring Destiny's first month. Plenty of people then knew this as one of the major issues.
[quote]Which was how long ago? Move on[/quote] I wasn't the one who brought it up.
Edited by Star Gazer2: 3/18/2016 3:43:05 PMDude, he wasn't around long enough to know that Destiny was lacking content. Anyone who played in the first month would know this as one of the major problems, even reviewers knew this. He doesn't even have his triumphs completed.
You sound like a child
[quote]You sound like a child[/quote] You sound like ... well, you make no sounds at all, almost like you're muted or something, weird.
Lol, and you sound like a twit who doesn't know what sounding like a child is.
And all 3 of you look like school children arguing over who gets to eat the dog turd at the park.
...? Lol, nothing like a comeback response that makes 0 sense. Go back to school kid, you really need to.
Yes, yes, let the butthurt flow you kid.
You obviously dont know the proper use of butthurt, because judging by your verbiage and responses you're the only butthurt one. Sorry kiddo :)