Almost all the things people complain about today are related to primaries not killing fast enough.
-Too much special ammo
-1000 Yard Stare
-Bodyshot/primary every time
-not enough flinch
-Snipers camping
-Last Word
-Doctrine of Passing
-Mida Multi Tool
-people using Icebreaker or sidearms for ammo
-people camping special spawns
Proposed Changes:
-Bring back Thorn, Vex, Necrochasm (plus more)
-Buff auto rifles: High RoF autos: small buff, Medium RoF medium buff, and low RoF autos huge buff.
-Undo the accuracy nerf when firing hand cannons quickly
-Make pulse rifles like they were when TTK started.
-Buff Vex so it is much more accurate and give it a range boost
-Make scout rifles the [b]ultimate[/b] stagger weapon
-Refresh vendor weapons with a crucible and a dead orbit high impact sniper
-Bring forward shadow of veils
-Add shot package back
-Make fusions like they were in the base game, especially buff the crouched accuracy of them
-Bring a Jolders Hammer impact machine gun to Year 2
-Buff machine gun accuracy and undo the nerf on grenades and horseshoes. (This is to combat the fact that primaries will be very good)
-Bring back reforging on IB weapons
-Add new IB weapons that have better stats
-Make sidearms have the hair trigger perk built in.
-Take NLB reload glitch out.
-[i]nerf fusion rifles ;)[/i]
TLDR: If you didn't read it, that's your fault not mine.
I'll leave some bullet points open so you can add some other wishes. I know these aren't perfect but I was just thinking off the top of my head.
Edit: If you think of something or have some cool ideas, [b]please post them![/b] I am completely open to other opinions because this is all hypothetical. There is no right or wrong!
Edit 2: Regarding the proposed buff on High RoF autos, look at the buffs on other weapons! If I buff the other weapons it would cause high RoF autos to be bad again, thus I am marginally buffing them to even it out.
I utterly disagree with you on just about everything.