originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]The First Day of....[/b]
[b][i][u]Tiger's Tests!!!![/u][/i][/b]
*Shadow stands up on the rock once more, looking about*
[i]This should be fun.[/i]
Bramd - old
Ooh, I wanna try Testuo got candy, can I get some too? -
No. As a nonmember, you are not allowed to participate.
Bramd - old
I am kind of a member, I did win against inflatable pants, and I sent an invite, but it said I never sent one Have an exception? -
Are people doing tests here or something?
Just a little event one of our folks are doing
When may I take part in this event?
Edited by Inflatablepants: 3/20/2016 2:57:44 AMYou would have to be accepted into the dojo first. You can do this by making a post in the dojo.
Isn't this the dojo?
Isn't this the dojo?
Um, hi, hello... Where am I?
I approach, slowly. "Enlighten me."
Edited by Inflatablepants: 3/19/2016 12:48:19 PM[b]Tesuto approaches[/b] Sensei Tiger I.... Heard candy was involved? [b]Unlike his usual calm self. Tesuto seems a little more...eager[/b] What is my first test?
*Shadow smiles* "Excellent!!! Your first test shall also be a puzzle." *She opens a rift and gestures for him to enter*
[b]He bows, then enters [/b]
*He enters a large room where a woman is sitting down on a cushion. She nods to him* "In a sentence: Find the candy." *She points up, where he spots hundreds of piñatas hanging down from the ceiling*
[b]He stares up[/b] Hoshito kusaku roor....,, [b]He draws his blades and begins throwing them at the piniatas[/b]
*They begin to rain down candy* "Well done. Feel free to take it all before leaving." *A glowing doorway replaces the spot where the woman sat*
[b]He looks around to make sure no one is watching, he takes a sac out of his bag and fills it up. He walks through the portal[/b]
*He is back in the courtyard, where Shadow sits on a rock* "Ah, welcome back. Go enjoy your spoils until the next test."
[b]He seems to whisper, like he's ashamed[/b] [i]thank you...[/i] [b]He quickly walks to his quarters[/b]
*Walks up* "Let's begin."
*She nods* "This shall be a puzzle. Are you ready?"
*She opens a rift and shoves you through it. You land inside of a room with a box inside it. The box is standing on a pedestal and has glowing runes covering it. The runes move slowly across the surface of the box. There are no doors.* "Open the box." *A woman is sitting down, enjoying her tea while watching you, on the far side of the room*