No. For the love of God, all you White Knights seriously need to shut the hell up and just go away while the rest of us who actually value our time and money keep railing Bungie for their half-assed work.
Bungie has essentially gotten away with murder and set some very bad and dangerous precedents for the gaming industry that I hope won't be encouraged any further. Now The Division is out and has outsold Destiny - in fact it's Ubisoft's fastest selling game ever - and they are panicking because people are leaving enmass and enjoying a game that mostly does right what Destiny did wrong. More than likely Eric Hirshberg is looking at the numbers and demanding Bungie finally do some actual work and put out a "free" update to keep people playing and talking about Destiny.
And let's be perfectly clear here. This update is not "free". Everything up until now that we've paid for, before virtually every remaining Bungie founder left and the game fell into limbo and had to be restructured at the last minute, was supposed to be part of the original $60 package. The Taken King disc itself is literally just an access code for the files. So on top of paying for 3 fake DLCs (2 of which were in the data files of the base game) you also have the money they've raked in from microtransactions.
Destiny cost roughly $140 million to make, with approx another $140 million spent by Activision promoting it. Within the 1st week of the game's release, they pulled in nearly $400 million in sales and TTK broke all kinds of records. So yeah, they have plenty of cash on hand and given all the negative PR and even guys like TripleWreck publicly voicing our collective frustration, it's no surprise they're marketing this as a "Free" update. It's little more than lip service, throwing a bone to appease the angry masses.
Contrast this again to The Divison, which is already pumping out 2 big free updates for april and may (incursions and some new PvP mode who's name I forget) along with promised regular content updates, swift patches and a lot of extra content for season pass holders (Destiny's saved you $5 on stuff that should have been included anyway).
TL;DR Bungie is reaping their own whirlwind here and I for one am loving it. Not because I want to see them crash and burn (Activision yes, Bungie no) but because maybe this will finally be the wake up call for them to get their act together and make Destiny the fun, epic Sci-Fi it should have always been. I hate on Bungie because I care about this game and they're a developer I've been fond of since Halo CE, not because bashing Destiny is trendy and there's a world of difference.
Do you do this?
It's more crappy content that should have been included in the TTK.
Its not free if the community has already paid for it. All valid points
Don't get all butthurt over a videogame
You must not have paid for the game. Mommy and daddy must have or you would sense the frustration that most Destiny players feel. They want to call this a DLC? At least update the two raids that are already out, Crota and VOG. Let us be able to go through three raids to get loot that is not year one garbage (except in Crucible). Then you can call this a DLC. Adding a stupid quest is not what anyone calls a DLC. if they don't update the raids or bring in a new raid (and we know that ain't happening), then you can't really call it a DLC.
Edited by Pat: 3/19/2016 11:50:54 PMWho cares?? It's just a game you -blam!-ing nerd
Lol I'm 22 and you're a little nerdy butthurt child who has nothing better to do then be a keyboard master on these ridiculous forums
Division is really good. The A.I is dumb at times, but other times is very advanced and strategic. It's said to watch destiny crumble under it's own weight. I don't know who the failure is running the show. But they need to get gone already. Destiny should be setup in the style of the division, but first person. Give us a chance to explore, rather then having set paths. Give us enemies that are random and spawn at random. Not in the same places. The list can go on. Sooner or later, destiny will be a distant memory and the memory we will have will always be, what could of been.
Don't get me wrong, the Division definitely has issues and Challenge mode IMO is entirely too goddamn hard, brings back memories of Diablo 3's Inferno mode before they finally nerfed it. I like that it's difficult, but there's a very thin line between challenging and absurdity and that's unfortunately the route Massive has taken. Rather than add interesting quirks or mechanics to each encounter they simply cranked up the stats of the AI to 1 million, similar to what Blizzard did with Diablo 2 when they released Lord of Destruction and just ruined everything. The enemies are just too punishing to really allow much creativity with the builds which is sad because there's a lot of cool stuff you can do potentially. I also immensely dislike that stats are once again tied to equipment like in Destiny, but it's a little more tolerable in The Division due to the game's itemization (but only a little - I'd still rather be free to just spec my guy how I'd like). And yeah, the AI is pretty freaking retarded at times XD
I hate The Division's third person view. It is retarded. And you can't jump and stick to walls when you try to escape and get killed. They have some work to do too.
you led that with "value our time" and then bitched for like 6 paragraphs on a forum about a VIDEO GAME. lol you dumb ass
You're the dumbass that read and replied to it smh
Typical uneducated people's response. If you can't read and comprehend what is said, move on, but to reply without a logical thing to say is sheer stupidity.
He's backing up his argument.. No need to call him dumb.
Free update was announced before The Division released...
Best reply.
Please quit and leave.
Edited by jlemale_fr: 3/19/2016 12:35:29 AMWhite knight... Haha... I'm sure you're very fun at parties ;D
Im enjoying the hell out of the Division right now. Haven't log into Destiny in over a week. Feels good after grinding the same stuff for 1900 hours. Its about time another grind game with a different flavor came out.
Seems you're a little lost here buddy. Here, I'll help you find your way [url=]home[/url].
Good one coming from a guy that hasn't played the taken king. Looks like you are a little lost.
? Which one of my profiles are you viewing? I ditched 360 and moved to PS4 when TTK came around.