If you ask any Trump supporter, "what do you think of Bernie Sanders?" It is almost guaranteed that the word "socialist" or a variant of the word will be in the answer.
And if you ask, "what is socialism?" Immediately after, I guarantee that they will say something pertaining to "dictatorship" or "fascism" or "Soviet Union."
Now, while these statements are historically true, they are not finalized. What I mean (and here's the point): [b][u]Socialism can be integrated into Fasism, Communism, Democracy, and Republics. [/u][/b]
This is very true but uneducated non-free thinkers can't differentiate Socialism from Dictatorship, and it's very sad that people would be so closed-minded about this because Public Schools have put this idea into their heads.
A common argument I see is "Look at what happened to the Soviet Union and [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] Germany because they were socialists."
Okay let's really look at it.
[b][u]Soviet Union:[/u][/b][i] Fell because of a Revolution caused by uprisings towards the oppressive government that would kill for disagreeing with them. Renamed to Russia[/i]
[b][u][url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] Germany:[/u][/b][i] Fell by fighting a fighting a war on 3 fronts and collapsed at the feet of the Soviet Union, United States, United Kingdom, and the remaining French. [/i]
Both nations had thriving economy even during war time. They fell for reasons other than "Because socialism."
Let's look at the United States.
[b]The US almost entirely collapsed because of the Great Depression. Corporate greed and stock market abuse caused a total crash that would've spelled the end if it wasn't for citizen cooperation to rebuild at a steady pace. Historians say that if the US experiences a modern day equivalent to the depression, it will spell the end of the United States of America that we know today. This is because looting and rioting will come to the streets. Marshal law will take effect to keep people under control. Uprisings will follow. It will be total anarchy. It will be very literally, capitalism destroying a country because of greed. [/b]
Someone like Bernie Sanders truly has each individual in his best interest. He can integrate socialist ideals to best help the lower to middle class while keeping corporate greed out of politics.
I'm sure one CrazyLincoln would agree, a highly educated American Citizen.
It's funny, I notice that Trump is the most listened to Candidate. Those against Trump don't like him based on what Trump says. Those for Trump don't like other candidates based on what Trump say about other candidates. Sheeple will be sheeple I guess.
Feel the Bern. Trump the chump.
Last self bump. D: