[quote]Here's my ways The Division can learn from Destiny.
[b]Change 1: Match making[/b] - I don't want to walk up to a mission start and be able to start hosting an instance or joining another with match making. Make me go to a website and post on forums to find partners is I want to experience the game with others.
[b]Change 2: Too much content[/b] - Ubisoft, you done goofed, I'm 40 hours in and still have a good chunk of content including side missions and main story missions. It should only take me 8 hours to finish the story and hit the level cap Remove 75% of the content and sell it as DLC.
[b]Change 3: Speaking of caps[/b] - where's my currency cap? I've earned 75,000 of the in game currency and some people have hundreds of thousands. Uh ... did you forget to add a cap or something?
[b]Change 4: Locations[/b] - The playable area is too big, make it a lot smaller and add a bunch of baby bumpers that keep you confined to narrower environs.
[b]Change 5: emotes [/b] - I need them, I want to pay money to have my character slow clap. Luke Smith is so disappointed in you.
[b]Change 6: light level[/b] I'm uncomfortable about being able to reach the maximum level through playing the game and earning experience. I feel like my level should be tied to randomly receiving the appropriate gear.
[b]Change 8: Other[/b] - Weapon shaders: yuck. Gear trading: gross. A shooting range? Can you say [i]gimmick[/i]! RPG elements: too complicated, need to be dumbed down. In-game lore: nope, just nope.[/quote]
1. Matchmaking: Destiny matchmaking for strikes is just fine.
2. Too much content: Are you even playing the Division? No way it has me playing for hundreds if not thousands of hours like Destiny.
3. Currency cap: So what? Easy to get more glimmer if you need it. Heck I can hardly spend all now?
4. Locations: Destiny is big and diverse. The only thing that looks different in each location of the Division is the name of the area you're in.
5. Emotes: Both games have them, your point?
6. Light Level: Eh? You still need to randomly attain new gear in The Division otherwise your level means nothing.
No 7.
8. Shaders: Because Destiny doesn't have shaders, what? I don't get your point. Weapons not having shaders isn't something to fall on your sword for.
Actually now I re-read your attempt at being funny and passive/aggressive Destiny bashing I realized what an absolute [b][u]awful[/u][/b] attempt you made.
Wow 0-10. So bad dude, so bad.
Only reason you dummies play destiny so much is because of the double rng. See bungie has you destiny smack heads right were they want you.#coverup
Yet you are still hooked on the forums, so welcome to the club!! Hello everyone, my names Brutal and I've played Destiny for over a year. Your turn bud.
Not long now til your next fix of re hashed content! Hang in there, I see you've got the shakes haha
Yeah, find out today what it is! Even if it is PoE, with Taken it will be fun for a couple of run throughs.
People were begging for Crota and VOG. That's how bad it is. Ps buy the division, at least you can player trade and we are getting a raid oh yeah!! New content lol. You might not know wot that is tho
I've been playing the Division since launch...
Destiny doesn't have a,lot of content
But it has a gripping story line tho
You spelt "doesn't" incorrectly. There's no n or t in does.
Destiny does not have a lot of content.
Hah! Well played sir, well played. But come on, Destiny really does. Lol.
You mean the content I have to play over and over again?
More than The Division lol.
Nope. Not even close. Vanilla destiny lasted about 20hours before repeating the same stuff. That's including vault of glass. The division has lasted me about 55 hours without even touching the dark zone and that's not including the incursion about to be released in April.
You must suck. I have played the division for 4 hours so far and I am a level 26 already.i do not do side missions or encounters boring and no point. Like doing public events in destiny
Boring and no point tells me you've never played one. And that you don't care about the story. Do a missing persons one and then come back to me. Also, just because you don't like the content doesn't mean it's not there. I hate most of destinys missions but I still recognize them as actual content.
This. Im doing all main and side missions first, then Im going back to do all encounters. After that, I will hit up the DZ, have a little fun, and wait for April to come. I have already played 45 hours, on 1 char, not sure on my alt. Havent touched Destiny since.
In The Division every new zone has a Safe House, with the exact same types of encounters and side quests. Like every time!! You start repeating in The Division [b][i][u]way[/u][/i][/b] more early than Destiny, no way you can deny that. The only thing that The Division did is put "Grimoire" into the game as clickable story nodes that you can collect as you walk around.
Im comparison to other games yes it does your just a -blam!-ing whiny teenager who cant see it
Edited by Ghost593835: 3/19/2016 2:42:30 AMCompared to skyrim ? Compare to fall out 4 ? Compare to wow ? Compare to far cry 3?
Fallout was a disappointment no rpg elements all it was was a mediocre fps WOW has been around for ten years far cry and skyrim are decent but have little or no multiplayer. Please try again
Fall out 4 was the best game I have played and why would you need multi-player In a single player game ? Oh your one of those gamers that doesn't play single player games. Got it, never mind. Don't reply.
Ive played more single player games than you have bud tell me have you played fallout 2 or 3 skyrim undertale? No then take your shit game and leave