We're talking about the [i]concept[/i] of whether "too much content" is a real thing or not, and it is. Yeah you should put a limit on things, but I didn't say put a [i]low[/i] limit or that the limit should be the same across the board. Some things need higher or lower limits than others and sometimes it has nothing to do with quantity. Quality and presentation of content are more important. Putting grimoire inside the game in some direct way could have been all that we needed. But there's still the question of how much and how it's presented that matters.
For example, The Division basically has the same thing as grimoire and about the same amount, but instead of putting it on a website, they add them as spots around the area that you interact with to give you the info.
There not enough for me to do in destiny. Skyrim had amazing content that kept me happy for days, fall out had content that kept me happy for days. Hell the main story is longer than destiny's story and it's designed greatly. I'm making a game that a going to have a lot of content for the player, a good story mission and a great deal of side missions. In case they want to break from the main story. Quest lines that are nicely made.
Edited by GrundleBeans: 3/19/2016 2:47:31 AMThat's fine. Not all games have to have MASSIVE amounts of unique things to do and really, you're comparing a game that's much older and based off a years old franchise before it that they could draw ideas and even reuse content from, while Destiny was a completely new thing for Bungie that they had never done, both as an IP and as a type of game. If you want to compare, then compare the first Elder Scrolls and Fallout 1 to Destiny, not their 4th or 5th iteration in a decade or more of IP building.
Bungie could of went to blizzard for guidance and support. They could of delayed the game and made a better story. Adding more content that could keep people happy until the next dlc. The dark below could of been massive, and added a lot more if it was delayed. But the bottom line it that they didn't they could of. Fall out 4 just came out last year and already is getting dlc that far surpasses the dark below or house.of wolves. Taken king was a step in the right direction but they could of done that from the beginning. My point is fall out 4 has enough content to last a year. Destiny had content that could last a good two weeks, then you grind and grind. I don't want to make a game that doesn't have enough but also has a good story. I'm not making loads of random content for fun, we plan to make every quest, every story mission meaning full. Let's face it, destiny isn't meant to tell a great story and isn't meant for people who like a lot of content. The reason I'm here, is because I have been here for five years and enjoy destiny's grimore. Today was the first time time touched destiny.