Well I am bored off the Division...
Back to Destiny for me...
Level 30 and level 30 Dark Zone in 3 days... Yup...
I'm done with the Division...
For one, these are minor mis-conveniences in the game.
You [b][u]CAN NOT[/u][/b] view any other character, can not show off everything you got...
RNG is actually worst then Destiny...
Killing a real Bullet Hose "boss" major dude or whatever they call these guys, they do drop guaranteed "rare" loot...
But it's not worth killing a bullet hose that can just walk up to and "burn or strike you down" like a thrall against a maxed out 320 guardian....
Another terrible thing with the Division, all the enemies level become your group leaders level...
Say you started a character, your buddy is joining to help at level 10, then your basically -blam!-ed because all the enemies are level 10 and you are level 2 or 3 while shooting rubber bullets...
Minor inconveniences....
There is more... But I am about done with the Division...
Unless I wanna go through the whole thing again with another character...
But I need some better gear In Destiny just in case we can keep infusing the armour...
Back to Destiny for me...
Rank 30 dark zone is not max I'm level 58 in dz and in orders to buy level 31 yellows you need to be lv 50 in dz so gg
Why would I want loot with no other content to use them in??? Why would I grind for that when [b][u]NO ONE[/u][/b] can inspect my character and be in amazement with my "high end loot" So why should I try for shit no one will see... GG You Bee Soft GG indeed....
Uhhhh what? Not being able to inspect is a minor inconvenience. Having good awesome gear that makes the game easier and maybe more fun is why you grind. Git gud.
Make the game easier for what?!? There is nothing left to do but "daily missions" Dark Zone that gets boring quick... Just face it, the Division got boring just as quick as Destinys launch... 2 days on the Division and I am done.. 30 and 36 in DZ, 7 high end crap that handles the exact same as the blues I was using. Armour that doesn't provide anything on me... Get Good my ass, I am already done this game, wtf else can I do? Not a single soul can look at my "amazing" character, the outfits are garbage, fast travel is pathetic, just face it, The Division is done... You can basically do everything in the game in max 3 days!! Max out your base in atleast a day, because the missions are weak as shit, you rank up faster then a Asian solving a calculus question in a speed run... Like seriously, all I can do is daily missions, collect garbage phones, incident reports, echoes, an do the dark zone. No challenge or anything to the Division. AND NO ONE CAN EVEN INSPECT MY CHARACTER WITH ALL HIS GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No raids and shit... Im already playing Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2, put more hours into that and Black Ops 3, since I have to wait for Destinys update... Get good at the division, pfft and do what? Get good for what? The Division was way to hyped... I am already bored of this game, I am hoping back to Destiny, PvZGW2, Ops3 I can play more then the Division.
Big wall of text smh
Dang forreal? I was actually interested in it, so many people talk so highly of it
I don't hate it, I just don't think it's worth the amount it's been sold for.... Me and my buddies looted and "dided" lol... It's good if all 4 of you are willing to play together non stop. Because honestly the game is just plain boring solo...
Also, thanks for the info dude!
Damn i was hoping for a good solo experience, i was looking forward to matchmaking on most things but this puts everything in a whole new light. I may wait a bit till the price drops, pr get the used hardcopy from gamestop lol
Don't let this chucklehead deter you. The Division has great matchmaking, and playing solo was a tough and rewarding experience for me. If you don't like a challenge, then you're right, probably not the game for you.
The game is not a challenge... Bullet sponges are not a challenge lol... Making scrubs bullet sponges does not make a game a challenge. We were told "challenging" in the daily missions would be insanely tough, but no. No it's not, I was able to solo it, just took longer because they are all bullet sponges. Can I solo Oryx? Absolutely not, can I solo Atheon, nope, Crota i can solo, Skollas also, but the Division, it is not a "challenge" I was promised, the game is sadly easy with a squad, solo it gets boring quick because all you are doing is shooting bullet sponges that do the exact same thing as everyone else. It boggles my mind how people are so blind by this hype...
Coming from someone who normally plays solo, the division solo matchmaking is great. Me personally, I would fully recommend the game to anyone who likes that genre.
It's a good game. But solo you will be pretty bored after a couple of hours of gameplay... See like Destiny, it's repetitive also, but destiny you are able to man it up and pass, the Division, you will either struggle, pass it and get bored or just end up doing a "tedious" mission... Honestly I did everything the standard game had to offer... I could grind for a weapon that runs out of ammo quicker or look for gloves that don't seem to give me ANY substantial boost in power or ability... But I'll pass... It's a great game if you have dedicated friends, you know like 2 or 3 of em that will play non stop and not get bored of doing 1 of 3 of the basic boring missions, or get some "dark zone loot" Honestly it is a pretty good game, for a launch it is good, but compared to Destiny now, it's not as good, like Destiny has weekly things to do, The Division does not do that, raids in the Division, point me in that direction, I have never ever seen one yet, going "Rogue" is actually pretty pathetically underwhelming, robbing a. Level 13 for loot is not something great... Solo experience, The Division is not the game for that, you will get bored of it quick... I got bored playing solo after an hour of game play... The missions are underwhelming and the enemies are all bullet hoses... Like "Fallen Captain or Minotaurs" with 5x the strength shield... Not as exhilarating...
It's pretty clear you don't understand The Division, and what a true RPG shooter is. There is nothing wrong with that, but The Division is, what Destiny said it was going to be. I don't blame you for being shallow, it's Destiny's fault, because the game is [i]very[/i] shallow. Unfortunately many people, like yourself, don't understand how to gear properly, don't think critically, and expect everything to be handed to you. Especially the ones who only played Destiny and thought it was a RPG shooter. Part of what I read was, "The Division is too tough to solo, I don't like to be challenged". I solo'd every mission on Hard, and while it was no where near easy, it was completely satisfying when I finished it. I don't get that feeling when I complete a mission in Destiny. Also, there are only mission bosses in The Division. And you can't compare those to Oryx or Atheon, because they aren't designed to be like that. Incursions is a free update next month that is rumored to bring in something like raids. If that is the case, then, and only then, should you make a comparison.
Actually the game does get boring... I did the missions on Hard, the game is very sluggish... For some reason people are blind to see that the Division does not offer anything new to the game besides the fact that it is a 3rd Person shooter. The game still has weapon vendors, all you do is shoot the bad and get called a hero, then you can collect "intel" and find out why so and so did what they did and wonder if you are the good guy. Or you can just go to the dark zone, shoot at black people, accidentally shoot a random on the other side of minorities and then go rogue and call that a Team Deathmatch. Or I can wait 24 hours for a daily mission that just makes enemies have yellow health bars, that require 200 headshots just to get rid of their shields.... Just face it, The Division was way to over hyped... 2 days playing me and my crew are already bored of it, so bored we all decided to buy Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2, an we endt up having more fun in that surviving plant hordes... The Division is good, I enjoyed it, but I am patiently waiting for Destiny, we are abit bored of doing Tedious missions in the Division, all the bosses in the Division are the exact same... What's worst is the bosses you can just leave the room and they will follow you to as far as the beginning of the level, the game has alot of minor inconveniences that are actually annoying, The game was way too hyped, now I have to wait for DLC from the division just to play it some more... I played the dark zone, I did my daily missions, I soloed the game, I made 2 characters who reached 30, dz36, 30 and dz32, what the hell else am I going to do make a 3rd character no one will ever see or be jealous for? Fight the same bullet sponges over for loot that handles the exact same!! The Division is doing everything Destiny didnt. And that shit gets boring quick... Like real quick... Solo experience the game is dull. Squad team the game is to simple and way to boring. "Can you heal me..." "Purple health guy here..." "I'll flank this boss guy" Done... I am done with the Division, been playing WackOps3 trying to get my assault rifles gold camos.