Don't let this chucklehead deter you. The Division has great matchmaking, and playing solo was a tough and rewarding experience for me. If you don't like a challenge, then you're right, probably not the game for you.
The game is not a challenge... Bullet sponges are not a challenge lol... Making scrubs bullet sponges does not make a game a challenge. We were told "challenging" in the daily missions would be insanely tough, but no. No it's not, I was able to solo it, just took longer because they are all bullet sponges. Can I solo Oryx? Absolutely not, can I solo Atheon, nope, Crota i can solo, Skollas also, but the Division, it is not a "challenge" I was promised, the game is sadly easy with a squad, solo it gets boring quick because all you are doing is shooting bullet sponges that do the exact same thing as everyone else. It boggles my mind how people are so blind by this hype...