I am curious why the towers "tavern" style room has no real use other then emotes kiosk? My suggestion to the possible use of this room would be why not turn it into a clan/lfg hub. Make it into a place where guardians can browse and join clans along with a place guardians can look for people to raid with. I think one of the best LFG systems I have seen in past games has been the one WoW used. I think if you could develop a system much like that where other players could view players looking for groups it would be greatly beneficial for all players. I myself have spent countless hours on LFG apps and even running around the tower messaging players to put together a pick up raid team. If bungie could develop a system to ease this process it would allow players to review each other's gear and view who is trying to do what and tailor teams to do whatever activity they are looking to complete. This system would make it especially easier to piece together raid teams without making raids matchmaking along with making the Tavern have an actual purpose in the tower.
Bump, also more than one song on the jukebox, say the trailer songs.
You don't enjoy public domain music?
There should also be an area where you can post on in game lfg (if optional matchmaking isn't gonna be a thing) and a clan leader board So basically the tavern has the social aspects of the game
95% of the Tower and the Reef have no use.
Cutting content left a lot of loose ends.
Drinking. 5 glimmer for one. 10 drinks gets you drunk. Getting you drunk can allow you to start a fistfight. Oh, and there has to be some type of card games.
There's that futuristic jukebox in there that you can use :D
Edited by Man Torpedo FTW: 3/21/2016 1:17:03 AMThis is kind of stealing from the Monster Hunter Series, but if they had a frame down there that would post guardian requests for fireteams for certain activities, it would fix a lot of problems.
Ever noticed there is no south part of the tower, only north, more cut areas (btw, north is where the speaker is, obviously through the big door is the south)
Dude, create a poll. We should be able to buy drinks at the tower. Each drink consumed should reduce agility, intellect, and other things by some measure. Drunken guardians shooting up the solar system!
I have a list of 20 ideas that would bring more to this game. My only question is why haven't bungie come up with them themselves and why aren't they being put in game? It would improve it so much.
Destiny,areas of no use,no comment needed.
So that somebody could name a Clan after it and pop up in the Recent News Header on Bungie.net
I always thought of that as a "hunters den" because of the hunter flags hanging there
We should be able to get drunk at the towers tavern, and have the screen blurred and our character stumbling to stay afoot. Like in GTA.
I'd love it if guardians could interact with a mug full of beer, and keep drinking until they dieXD, that would be amazing honestly
Would you really want Nolanbot yelling you while you're hammered? Actually, that would be kinda funny.
They will never find you friends. They've stated this time and time again. If they suddenly did, they'd be liars. So they never will. It's honestly time to move on if you require this feature.
Edited by The 7th fall: 3/20/2016 12:50:56 AMMaybe Bungie thinks the kids will get drunk in game, get up to the 'nasty nasty' while their parents aren't watching and hit puberty... Pfftt whatever, I'd assume it's just a filler space cause it's pathetically small for a 'tavern' that even a Gnome would disapprove of. Actually Gnomes are drunkards so they wouldn't even consider going to that tiny space.
Yea and some table mini games would be cool, air hockey, foose ball or ping pong anyone, maybe even bet stuff. Just an idea.
Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create...life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about...from dying. He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power...which, eventually of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death...but not himself.
I don't usually need a feature to find a raid group. I usually have enough people online to raid with but if they want to stay ahead of the division they are going to have to figure out something for those who do need it
Edited by Herobrine360360: 3/19/2016 6:13:40 PMA place for xur to drink at the tower
The lfg method that guild wars 2 has is the best
In other words, do what Ubisoft did with The Division!
Because Bungie