You guys truly fondle bungies balls if you're gonna say "atleast were getting something be grateful" lmfao yes yes bungie is putting much work into this single strike but all that work makes our masters tired yes? Let us go fetch our lord and masters bungie some crisp lemonade and rub his feet as he works 24/7 to deliver this masterpiece. I cannot wait to put 30 minutes of my day into this well crafted, rich and cinematic bullet sponge. Clearly, Destiny is stepping up its game competing with the division. This will get that lost player base back!
Does Bungie owe us something?
Yes. Value for money.
You have around seven days (a full week) of playtime on this game. And how much did you pay for it?
I paid 140$ for this. Something I deeply regret. I've probably only put about 30 hours into new stuff, all my other logged time is repeating raids or doing crucible with my buddies. This is the only game I have on my ps4 as of now, so I'll be saving for witcher 3 and division. Sorry if i came out hostile man, I'm just frustrated at what they did to this game. They could of done better and added much more content, we both know that