originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]GOOD TO SEE YOU MAN![/spoiler]
[b]Tesutos mask tints a blue glow for a few seconds, then turns to the man[/b]
Your armour...that is the armour of Sensei Blackjack.
But your physical attributes....
[b] his mask glows again[/b]
.....Like father like son. A wise man once said.
Do you wish...to take your fathers place in a trial by combat?
No, no... I'm merely here to recollect, to see what once was. Wilson told me about this place, said I should swing by.
Sensei Wilson! Ah...a name this place has not heard for some time. ....such a lack of explosions...... Well. I would be honoured if you were to stay with us for some time.
[quote]....such a lack of explosions......[/quote] O rly?
...at the moment......
Dependent on my timetable, and on where I'm needed elsewhere. For now, I think I'll be here for a short time.
Good! [b]Tesuto looks around.[/b] I...am not supposed to do this but...we don't particularly have rules about sons not being allowed in the dojo so.... [b]Tesuto briskly opens the door[/b] Quickly. Go on in. [b]He still looks around like a bolt of lightning will strike him down[/b]
[i]Under the mask, Wolf smiled. He found it rather amusing. Disappearing from the roof, Wolf appeared before him and entered the gate.[/i]
Thank you for coming! [b]Tesuto closes the gate behind him quickly[/b]