So, I've got some disposable income for a change and I'm stuck between picking something new to play.
I play a lot of Diablo 3 on console, but, it's absolutely plagued with modders and killing the game for me, so, I'm tempted to pick up Diablo 3 on PC to join their community, along with CS:GO because I'll have some cash to spare.
Or, I can pick up Blizzard's upcoming IP which I'm rather curious about, I've only seen a bit of it and it appears to be Blizzard Fortress 3 and I've got no complaints about that.
However, DS3 is also coming, and with myself having every souls game except Bloodborne(didn't have a PS4, sorry folks) I want to get it, problem is, I don't know how long I'll stay attached to it. DS definitely has its moments and the series has been great, but, the frustration in some sections of the games have kept me from coming back it months/years after launched.
TL;DR - Diablo 3 on PC, because of modders on console, Blizzard's new IP, Praise the Sun.
Edit: So, Diablo 3 on PC can only be played with M&K, well, that choice is ruled out of the question, Diablo with a controller is relaxing, having to sit over my desk isn't.
Praise the sun