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1. Have good guns. The meta changes a lot and you have keep up with what's good and what's not.
2. Make sure your loadouts are right and try to make yourself a set of pvp gear.
3. Call outs. Have to have call outs and good call outs. When a super is popped yell it.
4. Team shot. Very important. Not saying stand on top of each other and shoot the same guy but get a little different angle and still be close.
5. Always be ready for anything.
6. Don't be afraid of supers.
7. Know the map well. Mainly for trials. Know where the head glitches are. Even if you can't use them you'll know not to challenge.
8. Don't peak when you know they have snipers at a door just watching out play it safe and sit they will get bored of it and eventually push out. If you can get yourself on the cap point and camp it so the tables will be turned.
9. Always be aware as to where the very center of your screen is . That will be where you would snap to if you pull up to shoot
10. Don't chase is a 3v1. If you can sit on top of the orbs do it. ( keep in mind for self res)
11. Don't waste your super. They are game changing and you have to use them right. If it's 3 blades v 3 strikers. You can't waste your fists on someone not bladedance
12. Peak them when flying in playing trials. It will help for you to know what supers they have and if they are running shotgun or sniper. Keep in mind when they use them and what's left and if one used one second round they will Forsure have it back.
13. Hit with your grenades. Don't spam them.
14. Never give up.
15. Make sure you don't have to much intellect, discipline, and strength. If you have 450 dis it's to much no need ever for over 300
16. Have your discipline at 300 most important. You shouldn't have a piece of armor that isn't dis related
17. You gotta play it smart in any game mode. In most cases of you can wait a situation out the other guy will mess up first.
18. Don't hold onto your super in trials. But don't waste it either if you think something is good enough to use it on go with it. If it works it works if not you'll know not to use it in that situation.
19. Play play play. You can't get better with a sniper if all you use is a shotgun. Force your self to play with different op weapons to see how they all are.
20. Try to play with the same people week after week so you guys get a hang for each other's play styles.
21. Give your self the advantage anytime you can. If someone has been running the same way every time get ready for him set yourself up in a good spot.
So here are some tips that should improve anyone that listens pvp game up at least a notch. If you guys have any questions feel free to ask on here in the comments and os and myself will get back to you asap.
This awesome. Thanks!