originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]The Deity opens up a shop. A shit ton of katanas, broadswords, short swords, all the swords are hung up. They barely shine from the sunlight.[/b]
Alright! Can't believe I'm actually working here but I'm pissed off! We got Some carbadium blades here! Any you can think of! It will teach those pesky regenerative Deadpool fan-fiction. Writing queers who's boss! Come get one today!
[spoiler]Since everyone apparently has Regen powers now, I thought it necessary to give everyone a Regen preventing sword![/spoiler]
[spoiler]I don't have regen...[/spoiler]
Can I just get a whole sale on the material?
I'm looking for a jian, something strong and able to complete with the heavy hitters.
[i]A man clothed in a ragged leather overcoat approaches. A dark hood covers his face in shadows. The coat appears to be lumpy and misshapen as it molds to what it's covering. There is a large, empty leather sheathe on his back. As he approaches, he draws a large sword handle from his coat. Its' blade has been shattered about 5 inches from the hilt, leaving a look of shattered glass across its' foot long cross-guard. [/i] I broke this thing awhile ago, and I only recently found this place. It appears that some fun "activities" could happen that I need a weapon to participate in. I though it would be nice to have a sword that nullifies healing powers incase of an encounter with an "unsavory" opponent. Would you mind repairing this with a new blade? Leave the as is, it's a bit of a memento. [i]You notice that his voice is muffled by something covering his mouth, but it has a metallic ring to its' tone. [/i]
Edited by Doos: 3/28/2016 8:11:20 PM[b]Do you have this in liquid form? I came around here two months ago. Found a guy who kept talking to some unseen [i]Writer[/i]. He wouldn't get hurt so I ended up surrendering.. Little twerp[/b] [spoiler]also... Can you do me a favor and check mine and Dragwnrider's tag team on Tiger? Tell me if there was godmodding... Got accused, but I was trying to not be douchey so not sure what I need to fix... https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/819710/197893217/0/0/1 It's after MegaMortar's and his fight lower down. [/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Doesn't look it -
Ya let me just- HAHA! [b]He swings a sword at you[/b]
Edited by Doos: 3/29/2016 2:15:05 PM*you feel the sword connect for a second. But then Maya's gone, leaving behind a roiling cloud of smoky shadows. You hear a noise behind you. Stuff cluttering. And clattering. Blood is dripping down Maya's shoulder.* [b]Well... I'm not as fast at entering my Shadow realm as I use to be.... Sooooo do you have it in liquid form?[/b]
[spoiler]what was your previous name? Because clearly you fought with the deity before[/spoiler] Sure thing Quick-thang. [b]He moves to the forge. You hear a lot of banging and [i]sissing[/i]. He Comes out with a bottle[/b] To play not to eat.
Edited by Doos: 3/29/2016 7:49:19 PM[spoiler]I haven't. Came around two months ago. Fought a guy. Gave up. Left. Came back. Detailed description below of my character.[/spoiler] [spoiler]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131202192517/naruto/es/images/5/5f/Black.alchemist_2.jpeg Shadow Master Corps: Maya Sundaresh Maya: 3rd degree Master of Shadows(aka Shadow Master 3°)/also part of a secondary, elite hunter group. Motto: I'm a hunter. Master of tricks and traps. No method too low. No stakes too high. I enjoy the length of the hunt. Not the kill. Physical appearance: black hair with red highlights. One red eye while the other is a gray blue. Slender build. Whitish skin with a light tan. Wears a black and gray cloak and tunic with many patched areas. Tight black leather trousers. Wisps of smoke constantly appear and reappear on the edges of the clothing. Abilities:(via Shadow Master Corps) Shadow manipulation/A very tight grasp of shadow world control. (An interdimensionary realm of shadows. Imagine a gas cloud in space if you want a mental image but darker and chock full of red and black. The shadows take on a more smoke like appearance there. . Easy to get lost for the newer shadow trainees.) Included: teleportation, (oneself and other objects) clones, traps,(I.e. Dig a hole. Fill it with shadows and change the appearance to convey normalcy), storage, a safe zone, and to skrew the vision of opponents and prey. Also possible: forcing the shadow down the throats of enemies to cause obstruction of breathing. Ability to hide in plain sight just by standing in a normal shadow. Abilities: (via the elite hunter group) Keen eyesight (dark/length), strong sense of smell. Ability to grasp the intent of animals communications. (I.e. Warnings, targets, basic info etc). One of the best trackers around. Knowledge of hiding without the use of 'Shadows'. [/spoiler] *Maya holds out her hand for the bottle with a delighted gleam in her eyes. [b]How much do I owe you?[/b]
A picture of the poor bastard who thought, "OH! I can just regen!" Then realizes he is TOTALLY SCREWED!
*Maya looks at you oddly* [b]You're an evil man... I mean.. Deity...[/b]
Ha! Now, "evil" is kind of pushing it. After all...aren't we all the hero of our own story? [b]He sits back in his chair and looks through the photos of regenerative victims[/b]
*........ Dumbfounded look replaces the gleam. Maya stands there for a bit contemplating those words before she turns and leaves. *
Bramd - old
*An unknown hooded figure walks up* I need a sword Don't ask why -
[b]The deity starts talking like Lucien Lachance.[/b] What...can I get youuuuuuuu.....
Bramd - old
The best you got And make it quick, I got stuff to do *looks over shoulder* -
One second.... [b]You moves behind the wall. You hear a lot of clashing and things being thrown around.[/b] [b]He comes out with a giant claymore[/b] Break some blades buddy!
Bramd - old
Okay *tosses you a small sack* -
Jim walks up to you [spoiler]take a look at my post for description[/spoiler] "Can you line my sword with carbinanium or whatever this is cause I want to nullify healers but I don't think anything you've got is sharper than [b]my[/b] sword"
Well the metal doesn't make the blades sharper, it just really screws those healers over! But sure! Lining takes longer then coating though. So it may take a bit! So uhhh...go murder someone's grandma or something. Kill time.
"Regen?!" *Looks at claws...* "I may need an upgrade..."
Throw em.... Oh wait.... By "claws" do you mean the long nails you got there?