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Edited by cat65: 3/21/2016 3:11:54 PM

Fallen Baby Chapter 61

[b]How was your Iron Banner people?? I got the sniper but guess who doesn't know how to snipe?? Big applause for me. Chapter 61: Run Like Your Lives Depend On It[/b] For one thing, the Warlock never expected the Hunter to leap at him in her sleepwear. The second thing he marveled was how in the world he was able to get into the cave without waking her up. Snarling, Vala quickly pinned both his arms behind his back, straddling his midsection. Stomach facing the floor, helmet scraping the ground, she held him there. The Warlock struggled though, making Vala press down on his arms painfully. "Interesting." He commented once he realized that he couldn't get out. "Why are you here." Vala didn't want small talk, she wanted to cut to the chase. "Did no one tell you that you are wanted? I'm surprised your friends, is you have any, have informed you." His voice was light, mocking and a twinge of mirth in it. Ignoring the jab he was pointing at her, she growled and pressed down once more. The Warlock groaned in pain in response. As she lessened her hold, the faces of her friends came to her mind but she would never rat them out like that. "Bolt honey get up please." The Warlock perked up at her calm voice, interested at her change of tone. "Mom?" Bolt mumbled, moving around under the blankets before his head appeared. "What's wrong? You never like waking up so early." "Get the rope." Her son seemed a little more awake and shut his mouth at the sight of the new person in their home. "...okay." He answered after a little bit. "So interesting. Not only does it speak our language, it has a mind of its own." Vala grit her teeth as Bolt quickly brought her some rope, tying up the Warlock as much as she could. Even going a stretch to tie each of his fingers, she sat back with a relieved sigh. "My son isn't an [i]it,[/i] Warlock." Was the last thing he heard before she picked up her gun that was nearby and smashed the butt of it against the back of his head. He instantly went limp with a small sound of pain. "Mom what's going on?" Bolt was wide awake by now and she turned away in order not to see the fear in her eyes. "We have to go, Bolt. Let's go." She said as she held out her hand. Bolt took it instantly, holding her hand as she shuffled around their home. "Guardian." Vala froze, turning towards the sound in surprise. There, floating above the Warlock's body was their Ghost. The small machine bobbed in the air for a few seconds, it's one eye moving from her to her son. "Leave us alone." A new voice interrupted and Vala tried to hide her smile as her own Ghost appeared. It rushed forward, getting close to the other Ghost before stopping a few inches away from the other. "My Guardian was only sent here for scouting. You did not have to incapacitate him." The Ghost quipped, looking down to the Warlock. Vala turned away, picking up her gear but kept an ear on their conversation. "[i]My[/i] Guardian," her Ghost responded with a slight tone "doesn't need nosy people like you hanging around our home." The machine whirred as it said this, it's optic lowering to give an almost angry looking expression. "Enough Ghost." Bolt said, stepping up and cupping his hands around the angry ball of wires and light. The Ghost buzzed in response, giving one last look before turning away. "We should go, Bolt." Shouldering her last piece of gear, Vala turned around and fastened a cloak on to his shoulders, pulling the hood over his head. As they exited the cave, Vala took careful care to remove the small items on the vine entrance. Once that was done, she went back in and dragged out the Warlock. "Let's go. We have to move quickly. Oh by the Traveler this guy weighs a [i]ton.[/i]" Vala mumbled, trying to move as fast as possible with her new prisoner. "Mom let me." Bolt assured and with ease, placed the Warlock on his shoulders as if he weighed nothing. "What? How??" She spluttered out, making Bolt laugh. "Omali made me do exercises and Drokantoro made me work twice as hard." He explained as if it was nothing. Vala could only thank the two Titans wherever they were. "Then let's going my strong Titan." Bolt scoffed but chuckled as she led the way. For a few minutes, they walked in light silence only broken by the sounds of the jungle. "Let's stop here for a minute." Vala said once she knew they were far away enough from their home. Bolt stopped walking, about to move to place the Warlock down but Vala beat him to it. "Give me him." She said, grunting as Bolt tried to gently give her the man's body. Uttering a swear, Vala fell the ground under all the weight. "Stupid tiny frame. Stupid fat Warlock. Stupid robe." Bolt had to cover his mouth and turn away when she repeated 'stupid' like a mantra as she worked. When her arms [i]finally[/i] managed to push the limp Warlock away, she dragged him under a random bush. Still cursing, she covered his body as much as she could. "There! Finally! Now let's go." Vala instructed taking off in a random direction. Bolt followed but gave one last look to the place where the Warlock was stashed. "Mom was that wise to leave him there like that?" Vala only spared him a glance, as if telling him that it was the obvious thing to do. "Of course." she answered as she maneuvered around the underbrush, her son right behind her. "We don't want the cave to be found. And in case he wakes up, he won't backtrack to it as well." Bolt nodded, finding her explanation satisfactory. "Now...stop. Stop!" Skidding to a halt, Vala turned around and caught Bolt as he almost crashed into her. Steadying him, the Hunter placed a finger against her lips. Breathing slowly, Vala closed her eyes and tuned her ears for any sounds. The sinking feeling in her stomach was twisting in knots now the less she heard of the jungle. "No...they couldn't have..." "Mom??" "Get down!!!" Even as she said this, Vala threw her arms around Bolt and dropped to the ground. Above them, the sound of something flying by whizzed past. Vala turned her head around to face the projectile as it embedded itself into a tree. "No..." There, stuck into the wood was a knife.

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