What do you guys think?
I painted it myself.
Progress pics [url=http://m.imgur.com/q9DhN3g,hNanEka,ZGtVuxC,iEsG0vo,0vzlJa2,rPLlZ3K,4ePEbVx,LvftIjF]here[/url] .
What fun should I do next?!
[b]Edit:[/b]Thanks for all the positive feedback guys!
[b]Edit:[/b] You guys are truly amazing. Everyone's words mean a lot.
Amazing! Next I would like to see is the queensbreakers bow or the ghally.
Thats freaking amazing. My vote is make the queens bow. That would be very cool to see Imho.
That is amazing it looks great
So much disgust so beautifully drawn...
There's a problem with your link...there's no "Add to Basket" option?
Wow you made that out of foam? Is this a preminition that Thorn is getting nerf'd yet again? lol
Look at you, Mr. Popular. Good work...as always. :)
Sniper in this video https://youtu.be/49OTED4VuPM
if you do gjallarhorne and sell it you can be rich ijs
I would no shit buy that from you for $100 right now
Looks nice man!
Nice man. Keep up the good work.
I think its time to...[spoiler]Nerf Fusion Rifles[/spoiler]
It no glow. It dead thorne :(
Beautiful metallic effect
10/10, looks just like in-game Unless you've already done them, have a go at another classic like the mythoclast or gjallarhorn
Dude epiccccccc you should do the ghally or the vex
Give me it 100,000,00 silver [spoiler]trading isn't out :([/spoiler]
If you painted that, good job man, that is really good, keep up with it. I think you should make a few more. (I'm not artistic, so I know it takes time), but I think you could get the attention of bungie and get recognized. Keep it up!
it's pretty good. try to do a bit lord drybrushing for a better weathered effect, and maybe try putting in some LEDs, but other than that it's pretty nice.
I just had a destinygasm
That looks [b]amazing[/b]! You should try the Necrochasm ;)