Not 0 new strikes, not 0.5 new strikes but a whole 1 new strike. Isn't this incredible? In 7 months they've made 1 new strike. I always thought it'd take em at least 24 months to build a strike but no, i was wrong, it only took them 7 months. This is where Bungie shines. Astonishing developer.
Let me tell you something, Bungie can delay Destiny 2 until 2018 because that new strike is what i and my fellow guardians will be playing for at least 1000-4000+ hours.
No one ever asked for VoG/CE relevancy because its old content and no one wants to play old ass shit. A brand new strike that may be longer than 10 minutes (can you imagine that? i simply can't, its that impressive) is what we've been waiting since September 2015. I cannot wait to spend my time in this meticulously made Strike.
I agree. I only hope we can be forced to grind 1 end game content quest for the highest level items. Like you I would hate it if we had a [u]variety[/u] of end game content to grind in making each week more diversified. Year one was bad having 2 raids and PoE to grind in. Too many choices ruins the game. That's why I downloaded [b]Borderlands[/b] for free. It has limited loot to find, no options for end game loot, stale loot that has no fun perks, boring story telling, super short story and side missions, etc. Seriously, how can a company make a game like Borderlands and Bungie [b]not, not, not[/b] take anything away from them and incorporate it into Destiny??? Hopefully we will be pleasantly surprised by the April update but after everything we've seen, I highly doubt it. [b][u]Significant[/u][/b] Light Level Increase = 10 New PvE Challenges = 3 new super [b]infuriating[/b], low fun value PoE levels New Items = Lame Legendary stuff most of us will never use, new nerfs will count towards overall "new" weapon count