It's not like Bungie suddenly woke up and said, ok let's make a new strike, and a week later it was done. Companies like this have everything from quarterly to yearly development plans. Yes, these plans change, and change often.
But the predominate amount of things they tell us are not in response to things like division. Infact, division's release was probably already thought if when they wrote the plan.
So enough with how butt hurt you all are saying bungie is desperate. They aren't. They are following a development plan that they think will succed.
[i]But if they have a plan, why don't they ever tell us anything?[/i]
Because, voices of posts past and present and future, Things change, they don't know how long something is actually gonna take, they may scrap the idea all together, or add some cool NEW things.
This isn't a Bungie fan boy argument, this is just a quick look at what goes on in business. They aren't frantically running around their offices thinking of new and exciting ways to kill themselves. They have a plan, and no, they don't have to share it with you, be glad they do at all.
The easiest way to lower expectations is to let fans know what might happen though. If you let fans go rampant with ideas of what they think will happen, it will almost always overhype it and the final product will be less exciting than anticipated. We're not asking to know what they're doing 24/7, we're asking if we can see that they are working on something we can be excited about. We don't want to keep hearing, "things are coming" and not have any hints at all as to what's happening. The cover picture for the update is a perfect way of showing people something is really coming. And the picture is just 3 guardians and it speaks leagues of what we could expect.