[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/196991846/0/0/1]First, besides the intuitively demonstrable proofs I have given here and elsewhere for the reality of a flat earth[/url], I would like to discuss how deeply round earth theory is ingrained in male psychology. Before I start I want to categorically state that [u][i][b]the western scientific method is a male construct of reality.[/b] [/i][/u]. Over the centuries this method has been used as a tool of both racial and gendered subjugation. When the Neo-Liberal agenda displaced the older christian based political power structures of the 16th and 17th centuries, it both magnified and perpetuated the Church's systems of oppression. However, it developed both heliocentric (sun centered) and Spheric (round earth) theories as the new intellectual tools of social coercion.[b][i] Is it a coincidence that every early scientist until the early 20th century was male?[/b][/i] The very notion of male power pervades "science" as we know it: framing a hypothesis and testing it in tightly controlled and repeatable environment. These "experiments" reflect the tightly controlled monarchical social orders that existed when the male science was invented. Basically, males seek to control, thus science is controlling.[u][i][b] But reality is as fluid as it is feminine. [/b][/i][/u]
This can still be seen today not only in the universal wage gap predominate in industrial societies, but in how society projects gender identities onto men and women. Why is a boy associated with to trucks and building blocks and girls with ponies and dolls? What is female about pink? Heaven forbid if someone should choose to identify in a way inconsistent with these stereotypical roles. This all goes back to the round earth. The round earth is a lie, but the system of social and individual control it extends to every human (I say human because words like "man" or "woman" are linguistic vectors of social control) is very real. Maleness still prevails society like a stench. I champion a world based on what is intuitively demonstrable. A world where gendered notions of logic and theory do not dictate politics. Perhaps when more people realize the fundamental lies of the round earth, we can create a world where males do not dominate every aspect of society and thought.
[i]Two of your posts is all I need to see to mute you.[/i]