1. Must have flawless emblem
2. Must have Scarab Heart Emblem
3. Must be this X amount of K/D+
4. Must be this X amount of ELO+
5. Must have X amount of wrecking ball, phantom,... medal (the most ridiculous one i have seen)
6. No kid, No girl
7. Must be 315+ (this one is hilarious, i guess i couldn't join your team then)
The only thing I ask for on LFG is:
-Looking for 2 guardians who HAVE NEVER BEEN FLAWLESS to hopefully help out.
Do you guys have anything to add to this list of madness?
I understand people wants to play with people within their skill range but this is really getting out of hand.
I am pretty sure all of these requirements are pushing players away from Trials. Everyone seem to think that Trials is this MLG place where only the bests can stand a chance. The people that I helped out with seems really stressed out and sorta afraid of the enemy while they're playing. I usually have to tell them to loosen up a little and their reaction when we finally make it is what keeps me going every weekend.
If you ask for someone to play with and set a very specific standard for what you want, it is generally considered poor form to not meet the standard you ask for. I would never set a standard for a person that i myself couldn't meet. This is a lesson people in these forums need to meet. Do you have any idea how many post I've seen asking for 1.8 or 2.3 k/d players coming from players with a .4 or .5 k/d. Whats even worse is when they say "we will check" like your my teacher or something. It just annoys me frankly.