If you go for a drive, you could get in an accident.
If you use a stove, you could get burned.
If you play sports, you could get hurt and opponents could cheat.
If you swim, you could drown.
If you fly, you could crash.
If you walk, you could trip and fall.
If you explore, you could get lost.
If you go out in the cold and snow, you could get frostbite.
If you go out to eat, you could get food poisoning.
If you park your car, someone could ding it.
If you go to the beach, you could get sunburned.
If you talk to people in public, they could be mean to you.
If you go out in a storm, you could get struck by lightning.
If you go to a movie, it could suck.
If you love, you could have your heart broken.
So what I want to know is, if we shouldn't be allowed to have[b] optional[/b] matchmaking because our teammates might suck, be mean, not try or quit...
Why the -blam!- should we be allowed to leave our beds and risk all the millions of bad things that could happen out in the world?
Maybe the government should make laws to prevent us from doing all the things above so we never experience anything bad. Maybe we just shouldn't be born to begin with.
Now post some bullshit how it's somehow not the same.
The only things I could see potentially being issues are: a) Matchmaking would grab most of the player base, making it even more difficult for folks using LFG to manually find a group. But, really those type of players typically have raid groups and clans they regularly play with anyway. The folks who need matchmaking are the ones being left out and not able to level up. Thus, they never meet the hm requirements of 315+ or whatever. Really, I see this as more of a potential solution than a potential issue. b) Matchmaking, as it currently exists in other parts of this game now, would not allow for any control of the fireteam. For example, when you're playing a weekly heroic with matchmaking, you can't kick anyone for being obnoxious, not focused on the objective. But, I suppose you could just leave and rejoin another group on your checkpoint, if that would even be an option. Additionally, it's still better than not being able to even try or complete the damn thing. This would save time by not having to constantly manage finding people to replace the ones that leave. You would just keep trying until you get a group that gets it so you can finally get to the next checkpoint. I digress, Bungie would find the number of people in raids increase dramatically. They would have a lot more than 30% of their player base with a kf raid completion. This would further extend their gameplay experience with Destiny. But more importantly, communication and coordination are key to raids. Random people coming and going would make this potentially very difficult and unmanageable for players. I foresee a lot of folks getting frustrated with new people coming in, failing, then leaving. They would give up themselves. Eventually, the player base would all learn how to do each raid as a whole. It seems there are a few potential issues that would need to be circumvented in order for matchmaking to be applicable for raids, or any other time intensive event that requires good communication and coordination. However, it's time Bungie takes steps to do something about the experience. Good hunting. -Fawk