I just thought of this idea and was looking to see what people think about it!
What if: You equip viking funeral and it takes away the damage done by the firebolt itself and just applies the burn.
This would still make it super powerfull, but it wouldn't turn you into a oneshot by one grenade.
They could also just take away the perk.
2nd idea:
The closer you were to the centre of the grenade on impact, the more the burn does, with the max of doing the same damage as now.
Again, just some idea's I'm not looking to 'kill' your subclass, I'm just looking for a balanced idea!
Put Viking funeral and touch of flame in the same skill column. Make people choose between the two.
People seem to forget the whole subclass gets spec-Ed for a grenade
It's fine
Edited by NeilR: 4/1/2016 4:42:41 PMA great idea is leave them alone. Make the god damn voidfang vestment only work the intended subclass
They were already nerfed enough, Jesus! Btw in case you were not aware every grenade makes you pretty much one shot except a few specific ones with unique property's. But be close to any blast radius and you're one shot
Edited by Jiggyfly1701: 3/30/2016 2:48:00 PMMy only problem with firebolts is there is no countering it when you've been hit, your counter is to run away and leave your trials team in a 3v2 for about 13 seconds, more then enough time for another firebolt to come at your team. There is no reasons for there to be a 3 sunsinger teams... With every other grenade, there is the drawbacks. Lighting grenades you can step out of, Incendiary you can step back from and not take as much damage, skips you can run from, storm nades you can step away from,
You don't have to do all that, just make it tick for a little less time
It is balanced everyone seems to forget it was already nerfed! STOP ASKING FOR NERFS AND ASK FOR BUFFS MAKE THIS GAME GREAT AGAIN!
Back in my day , you got hit by a thorn bullet and a firebolt grenade ... you died . Kids these days ...
Listen the warlock grenade is not op the Titian lighting gernade the hunter wambo combo is op with the right placements stop trying to make the warlock week they already nerf the grenades there not touching it again
Edited by WulfPak666: 3/29/2016 2:46:19 PM[quote] The Sunsinger doesn't need to take a nerf like everyone has been saying. You can fix it if Bungie just changes the way Viking Funeral works. Take off the "burn longer and take more damage" and replace it with a perk similar to the Sunbreakers "Melting Point" Think about it, if they do this, the only perk that will "burn" you will be Touch of flame and that burn only lasts about 3-5 seconds, waay shorter than the "omfg I am still burning!?" 14 seconds. New Viking Funeral - All enemies who have been set ablaze take more damage from you and your allies as long as they are on fire. in PvP this would help with the seemingly endless burn that everyone complains about. If you do happen to get hit, Touch of Flame will burn you for 5 seconds and it'll activate VF, and while you are burning for the 5 seconds, you'll take a little bit of extra damage. However, once that 5 seconds is over, you wont take any extra damage from VF since it only activates if your target is burning. So you only get that 5 second window to utilize that extra damage ability. Essential that is what VF + ToF already does, but you always end up with hardly any health to fight back, if any at all since VF essentially extends the burn by an addition 7 or so seconds. With this new Viking Funeral, you will still have a good portion of health to fight back the aggressive burner and keep on fighting should you kill them. Not to mention, most Warlocks just toss a firebolt at fleeting or hiding targets, and that usually burns them dead. With this change, by the time the warlock tries to follow the target, the burn will be over, their health kicks back up, and they'll have a fighting chance rather than burn to red and die from a gust of wind. [/quote]
What if I told you that all classes and subclasses are currently balanced?
U don't own rights to this app
Didn't read very lazy this one is
Twitch.tv/nastynate006 no land runs what up check it
Check out my destiny montage! Let me know what you guys think http://youtu.be/L8_DCqd13CU http://youtu.be/L8_DCqd13CU http://youtu.be/L8_DCqd13CU http://youtu.be/L8_DCqd13CU
I have all 3 classes and my warlock is actually 320 but I barely use it on pvp, but yeah the few times I used her I just have to trow the grenade near and make sure to land a single body shot to the enemy so that the burn takes the kill. Its kinda op.
People who think sunsingers are fine main warlocks
Also, if warlocks are so "overpowered" why do you have a lower KD on your warlock than both other characters?
This entire thread seems to be hunters who can't deal with Sunsiger warlocks.
The burn should be brought down from 11 ticks to 7, 77 burn damage is ridiculous, or even keep the 77 but make it burn you quicker so you can start regaining health in under 12 seconds..
Better idea: does the same amount of burn as a regular made but spreads it over a long period of time to mitigate recovery while still doing ok damage
I say buff damage slightly and nerf duration.. Maybe do 7 ticks of 11 damage rather than 11 of 7
How just kill the warlock that bolted you. It stops the burn
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
Keep Viking Funeral as it is, but make it so a Sunsinger using the perk will gradually burn down with their own DoT (greatly reduced from what they inflict to others, but a constant ticking of self-damage. Health regen perks and flame shield still work, but upon death a Sunsinger with Viking Funeral equipped has a chance to bathe a small radius around their ghost with flames. No no...scratch that...that's just silly...