originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Yes! Let's!"
[b]Celin raises two fingers into the air, and the planet explodes.[/b]
[b]The deity floats around In space.[/b] Talk about a ball crusher! HA! [b]He continues to eat space ice cream[/b] Ohhhh man. I love non-cannon shit.
"So do I!"
Whoa whoa whoa wait what? You uhhh...you ain't supposed to know about that bud. Whelp! Looks like I'm gunna have to kill you! [b]A massive beam of light and vaporizes everything on your body. Including your body. But The deity highly doubts that will work. And TOTALLY isn't using bold letters right now. OP IS A FGT WHAAAAAT? Who said that?![/b]
[b]The beam does nothing, as expected.[/b] "You wanna fite, m8?!"
SHIRTS OFF RIGHT NOW BRO! [b]The deity takes off his...oh wait...[/b] [b]The armour IS HIS CHEST!!![/b] The power of my badass and superior pecks compel you! KAMEEE-HAAA- oh wait. Sorry. I don't need to scream for ten minutes to do something cool. SHOTS FIRED! [b]He points his fingers at you as shots of ultimate death Ki(HAHAHA! Oh man. Gotta love it when you don't know shit about a series) an goes FULLY AUTOMATIC! [/b]
"Shirts off? That when my ultimate power is realized!" [b]He removes his shirt, and also shoots a beam, causing a beam struggle![/b]
HA! [b]After a measly 8 days. You suddenly feel 4 foot wide blade go directly into your face[/b] Take that BIIIIIIIITCH! [b]You feel the blade, and it 5 foot guard go through your face. And then you get kicked in the face. The deity speeds over to the blade to grab it's handle.[/b] Oh shit. Did I remember to infuse this with Carbadium?!
[b]Celin grabs the blade before it hits his face, and breaks it.[/b] "Ki sense. Learn it."
[b]>That moment when the blade is indestructible[/b] Oh shit man! Having a tough time there? [b]Completely randomly the blade spins, cutting Through your chest. It flies back into the deities hand[/b] Talk about an awkward moment!
[b]The blade bounces off. >That moment when the Deity's blade isn't enchanted [/b]
[b]The deity starts to laugh as he points to your chest. There is a penis carved into the skin[/b] HahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha!!! Oh man...that never gets old!
"You know, you're really no fun to fight! All you do is mess around!" [b]He powers up to his very limit.[/b] "It's time to end this!" [b]He begins to fire a barrage of Explosive Waves.[/b] [spoiler]The things that blew up the planet earlier.[/spoiler]
Hey man! I'm having a blast! Oh...uh. Pun not intended. [b]He charges up his blade [/b] YGHHAAAAAAAAA!!!!! [b]He swings his blade at the apocalyptic amount of energy. Creating a supernova event. A Big Bang. Suddenly. You are in a new universe. A new galaxy. There are planets as far as the eye can see.[/b] [b]Thennnnnnnnn you feel a roundhouse kick crushing into the back of you skull[/b] THIS IS MY GALAXY NOW!!!! [b]The deity swings his mighty blade and charges it once again. Ready for your next attack[/b]
Once the explosion subsides, Legend is hovering in the void of space, not a scratch on him. He crosses his arms and smirks (Like M. Bison from Street Fighter). "Guess I can breathe in space!"
"Guess you can!" [b]Celin powers up, and Legend can feel it. The sheer power pushes him back several meters.[/b] "Now's when the real battle starts!"
Legend stands his ground, only budging a centimeter. He whistles. "Haven't seen that much power since the Chaos Wars!"
"Don't know what those are, but they sound chaotic!"
He laughs. "I love you Sayians! Always keeping your cool in the heat of battle! Just a warning though-" He gets in a battle stance, smirking evilly. "[b]Don't piss me off[/b]." [spoiler]He has what I like to call a Hulk Complex. The more angry he gets, the more powerful he gets. The more the battle goes on, and the more he gets beat up, the more angry he gets, hence getting more powerful.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Saiyans do too.[/spoiler] "I'd say the same to you." [b]He launches a few Ki blasts at Legend.[/b]
[spoiler]Ah, I forgot.[/spoiler] He bats them with his forearm, deflecting them and sending them off into space, not a scratch on his arm.
"Ah! The first non-Ki user to deflect a Ki blast! Impressive!"
He laughs. "Well there's a first for everything."
"Yes! Honestly, this is the most fun I've had in a while!"
"Same here! Now, let's get back to the fight!"
"Yes!" [b]He floats there.[/b] "Go ahead! Hit me!"