Edited by TabeticTerror1: 3/24/2016 3:20:06 AMI have been told the same thing by different people only in regards to different matters
They're right aren't they?
Yes I do agree in that matter but others will disagree and some would agree with us
There are alway two or mor sides. Right and wrong is just something we people make up, just as good and evil
Yes that is also true, how odd this has changed from Pokemon to philosophy, but one problem that we would run into if their would be more people of the same mind, new topics would be argued over and nothing would be done
The fact that we are able to do such things is magnificent don't you agree? And that's also why we have opinions. Never wrong and never right, just things we may or may not believe in to help(or hurt) or society.
Edited by TabeticTerror1: 3/24/2016 3:37:33 AMI do agree with what you are saying and yes a person's own opinion is neither right nor is it wrong, but to that person it may seem right and they may convince others, but that also acts as a double bladed sword in that you may sway people's opinion to one side but as a result some may sway to the opposing side and nothing would get done.
But that good sir is just one of the many infinite cycles of life.
That is also true
Well it was nice having this conversation. I hope you have a wonderful day(or night). Hope to see you again *tips hat*.
Yes it was nice having this conversation with you and I bid you farewell. *bows and leaves*