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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
originally posted in: [DIGITAL_DOJO]
Edited by Doos: 3/28/2016 9:18:36 PM
[spoiler]tbh if you didnt explain what happened to my arrow. I was just going to use its absence as a distraction and then explain later that it gets lost in the shadow realm because I'm a bit rusty after waking up. But I'll roll with this my friend.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Shadow Master Corps: Maya Sundaresh Maya: 3rd degree Master of Shadows(aka Shadow Master 3°)/also part of a secondary, elite hunter group. Motto: I'm a hunter. Master of tricks and traps. No method too low. No stakes too high. I enjoy the length of the hunt. Not the kill. Physical appearance: black hair with red highlights. One red eye while the other is a gray blue color. Possible of changing color. Slender build. Whitish skin with a light tan. Wears a black and gray cloak and tunic with many patched areas. Tight black leather trousers. Wisps of smoke constantly appear and reappear on the edges of the clothing. Abilities:(via Shadow Master Corps) Shadow manipulation/A very tight grasp of shadow world control. (An interdimensionary realm of shadows. Imagine a gas cloud in space if you want a mental image but darker and chock full of red and black. The shadows take on a more smoke like appearance there. . Easy to get lost for the newer shadow trainees.) Included: teleportation, (oneself and other objects) clones, traps,(I.e. Dig a hole. Fill it with shadows and change the appearance to convey normalcy), storage, a safe zone, a semi permeable wall, and to skrew the vision of opponents and prey. Also possible: forcing the shadow down the throats of enemies to cause obstruction of breathing. Ability to hide in plain sight just by standing in a large enough normal shadow. Abilities: ( via the elite hunter group) Keen eyesight (dark or length), strong sense of smell. Ability to grasp the intent of animals comunnication. (I.e. Warnings, targets, basic info etc). One of the best trackers around. Knowledge of hiding without the use of 'Shadows'. [/spoiler] [b]OH SHIIIT![/b] *Maya brings up her hands and with it comes a large slanted wall made from a large group of wispy shadows colored dark red and black. The plasma beams slowly start eating away at the wall. The wall finally collapses into nothingness. Where Maya stood is now empty* [b]Hahahaha! That was close![/b] *you don't know where the voice comes from as it seems to echo all around you*

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