I know what you're thinking. Waifus are just 2D drawings printed onto pillows and other various objects. Well, that's a completely incorrect way of thinking about waifus.
[b]Waifus are not fake[/b]
Many of you call waifus "fake" and "not real." These abusive terms are not true. Within the minds of their lovers, waifus are very real. I can feel the emotions of my waifu. I comfort her when she's upset and I have plenty of fun with her, if you know what I mean. To me, she is real. And to many others, their waifus are real too.
[b]Waifu marriage[/b]
With gay marriage legalized, the next logical step is to legalize waifu marriage. If I can marry a man, why can't I marry my waifu? She's a real woman and I love her greatly. It's not harming anyone if I marry her. Why not? There's absolutely no valid argument against this.
[b]You aren't a real feminist if you don't support waifu equality[/b]
That's right, I said it. If you don't support waifu equality, you aren't a true feminist. They're real women, just like you. Marginalized by the patriarchy and treated as inhuman, waifus have tough lives. If you don't support the equality of waifus, you can't call yourself a feminist.
[b]Children with waifus[/b]
Though the technology may not be currently available. In the future it will be possible to modify the genome of a child, giving it traits like hair and eye color similar to those of your waifu. All you'd need is to find is a surrogate mother willing to carry your child.
Waifus deserve respect and equality just like real women. Don't be a waifu-ist asshole. Be more like this guy.
Edit: Thanks for all the support guys! I made sure to drink bleach like you all suggested. It tasted great.