(Edit1:[b]BEFORE YOU WARLOCKS FLIP SHIT HEAR ME OUT FOR JUST A SECOND. I only want [i]slight[/i] tweaks.[/b](these tweaks being more along the lines of rebalancing(not just nerfing, buffing too))
(Edit4: Okay but we all agree firebolts w/ viking funeral and touch of flame can suck a fat one right? Maybe not warlocks in their entirety, and maybe not OP, but definitely a noticeably easy and strong grenade? Maybe the stormcaller super length and the melee should be looked at, but that one thing is definitely an edge on other subclasses.)
(Edit3: The state of the game right now has kind of been a result of bungie's poor nerfing strategy. They use a hammer every time they need a chisel and they use a chisel every time they need a hammer.
Honestly, revert to year one balancing and start using that chisel.
Probably isn't that easy to do, but if bongo were a little more transparent, maybe they wouldn't have so many jumping down their throats about shit they might not be able to realistically do.)
Just had to make sure that stands out because i don't need redundant opinions.
And if you want to prove me wrong or say a rebuttal, go ahead, ill update this shit till its accurate enough to where the destiny communit can agree on something for once.)
TLDR my reasoning (WIP)
[spoiler][u]They Are OP[/u]:
melee range&accuracy/viking funeral firebolt, havent been nerfed yet
[u]They Are Not OP[/u]:
(Edit3:weak jumps(easily influenced), self res animation( headshots ), melee glitch(all classes have those though)
[constantly being updated][/spoiler]
>>They [u]are[/u] OP
[spoiler] say yes because they haven't been rekt by 'balancing' as much as the other classes.
1. 90% health nades (firebolt+viking funeral)
If you open and close with a firebolt, its probably a little too good if it's something you absolutely RELY on.
+My solution: lower the burn damage to bring me to a reasonable amount of health
+Alternate solution: get rid of DOT(damage over time) period in the game
2. The melee range
+My solution: reduce it a little bit and make the tracking a little less accurate from longer distances.
^^Note: I know the range i have a warlock and sometimes a throw 'punches' without even knowing the reach or even where the enemy is and get the kills.[/spoiler]
>>They are [u]not[/u] OP
[spoiler]But you can say no because... I don't know why
(Edit 2:
-the jump is iffy
-2 second vulnerability on self
-sometimes the melee doesnt magically lock on and you have a melee more combarable to the other classesres(little bit of an outlier))
If you think warlocks are okay where they are, please explain because I despise them as of right now.
Other stuff (anecdotal)
[spoiler] I've played warlock and the jump sucks but just about everything else is batting 110%. I just want to see the other perspective, just explain that shit to me because it has me heated all the time.
Not to mention the effort needed in a firebolt for the results it has with viking funeral is so low. Its like rolling a snowball down a hill and causing an avalanche. [i]you don't even have to be that accurate[/i] if you're going to have something that can do that much damage with a nade that takes that little effort, just don't. WHY? [/spoiler]
Also try to provide solutions for any other problems you have and feel free to compare and discuss the other character classes.
I will edit this continuously, thanks for reading/voting.
The only Problem I have with them is self-rez. It's cheesy. It was a mistake to put it in the game. What makes it even worse is the fact that you get a damage reduction and a 1 hit melee afterwards. Now there's no solution to it. I just hope the don't do the same mistake in Destiny 2.