I hate each and every one of you! Including but not limited to the following: The rampant fanboys, the dumbass trolls who seem to exist for the sole purpose of taking shit about Destiny... on the Destiny forums (your parents are thrilled), the class-supremacists who have constant and pointless back-and-forths, you quote/unquote satirical -blam!-s who barely even comprehend what satire means and probably didn't know the word [i]existed[/i] before it became a "dank Bungie.net meme", the nerf herders who complain about -blam!-ing anything and everything, the self-righteous shits who deny legitimate balance concerns because "nothing needs to nerfed ever", you guys who do literally nothing but bitch about the "current Meta" and talk about how -blam!-ing awesome the last one was (even if it was pure hell), the morons who keep posting "will X kill Destiny!?!?" topics, the self centred cock munches who demand something be changed because they suck too much to do it, and those who're fed up with all your crap and post topics for the sole purpose of bitching at you bitches. Oh, and the illiterate people who don't read things because "wall of text" (I put it at the end for poetic irony or some stupid crap like that).
There are a lot more but they're either harder to sum up or I just can't remember because I'm damn tired.
So yeah, you all pretty much make me sick. Have a nice day (or don't)!
<3 u 2 honey
Also... ╭━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳╮╭╮╭╮ ┃╭━╮┃╭━╮┃╭━╮┃╭━━┫┃┃┃┃┃ ┃╰━━┫┃╱╰┫╰━╯┃╰━━┫┃┃┃┃┃ ╰━━╮┃┃╱╭┫╭╮╭┫╭━━┫╰╯╰╯┃ ┃╰━╯┃╰━╯┃┃┃╰┫╰━━╋╮╭╮╭╯ ╰━━━┻━━━┻╯╰━┻━━━╯╰╯╰╯ ╭━━━┳╮╱╭┳━━━┳━━┳━━━┳━╮╱╭╮ ┃╭━━┫┃╱┃┃╭━╮┣┫┣┫╭━╮┃┃╰╮┃┃ ┃╰━━┫┃╱┃┃╰━━╮┃┃┃┃╱┃┃╭╮╰╯┃ ┃╭━━┫┃╱┃┣━━╮┃┃┃┃┃╱┃┃┃╰╮┃┃ ┃┃╱╱┃╰━╯┃╰━╯┣┫┣┫╰━╯┃┃╱┃┃┃ ╰╯╱╱╰━━━┻━━━┻━━┻━━━┻╯╱╰━╯ ╭━━━┳━━┳━╮╭━╮ ┃╭━━┻┫┣┻╮╰╯╭╯ ┃╰━━╮┃┃╱╰╮╭╯ ┃╭━━╯┃┃╱╭╯╰╮ ┃┃╱╱╭┫┣┳╯╭╮╰╮ ╰╯╱╱╰━━┻━╯╰━╯ ╭━━━━┳╮╱╭┳━━━╮ ┃╭╮╭╮┃┃╱┃┃╭━━╯ ╰╯┃┃╰┫╰━╯┃╰━━╮ ╱╱┃┃╱┃╭━╮┃╭━━╯ ╱╱┃┃╱┃┃╱┃┃╰━━╮ ╱╱╰╯╱╰╯╱╰┻━━━╯ ╭╮╱╱╭━━━┳━━━╮ ┃┃╱╱┃╭━╮┃╭━╮┃ ┃┃╱╱┃┃╱┃┃┃╱╰╯ ┃┃╱╭┫╰━╯┃┃╭━╮ ┃╰━╯┃╭━╮┃╰┻━┃ ╰━━━┻╯╱╰┻━━━╯
B-b-but! We loved you! D:
You're as bad as everyone you hate. Just thought you should know.
In b4 ban.