You ever heard of the sand hawk bruh?
I know, paired with the bee and it melts. There ARE [i]certain[/i] ways to melt him, but only very few.
NOT THE BEES[spoiler]god I miss borderlands[/spoiler]
I got back into it recently, and it is refreshing tbh.
I sold my 360 and my -blam!- of a brother won't let me download shit from him
The Handsome Collection is like €30 now, not sure how much it is in America/Britian.
I used to solo him all the time with my siren..
Yeah I cheated and sat up on the Ledge near the Summoning Station, took time to kill him.
Scum, cheating is for noobs.
Am sowwy. I did beat him legit multiple times, but when I want to farm I use the cheat.... [spoiler]I am scum[/spoiler]
Yes you are
What are his feats?
Esentially the most spongiest boss I have ever encountered in anything, ever. Not only is his shields REALLY powerful (understatement of the year), he has armour upon armour stacked onto his health.
But that is gameplay, plus hand held weapons don't compare to the Death Star.
True you got me.