>be me
>18 year old male
>the year is 2016
>toss on my browncoat and head to voting center
>Nathan fillion is the only option on the presidential ballot
>ever since he won the election of 2004 by a landslide relations with China have improved to the point where the cultures have intertwined
>not to mention he spaced all his opponents when they threatened his ship
>go home and turn on tv
>watch the weekly flogging of Fox for attempting to stop firefly in its tracks all those years ago
>switch channel to channel 69
>it's a season 15 marathon before the premiere of season 16
>the premiere is supposed to be as big, if not bigger than the moon landing
>it's the biggest show in the 'verse
>the rest of the cast is off doing there own thing (should I continue...?)
>what a day to be a browncoat
It was overrated