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Edited by BraveKinkajou14: 4/11/2016 7:19:47 PM

Fractured House (Chapter two : The Captain in the Ketch

The pain was beyond pain, it was more alike to agony. It took all I had to remain conscious while pulling the caps out. It only took a few moments to pull them out but it was pure agony. I awoke two days after removing the caps. My arms still hurt but I could see and feel new tissue growing. I got up and looked around. Zelkir had certainly been trying to do something while I was out. All the electronics had been torn out, for what, I didn't know. I looked around for her but she was nowhere to be seen. I went outside and found her near the back, trying to get something to work. "What isss you doing?" I asked. "Nothing that concernss you!" She snapped and whipped around, trying to block whatever it was. I stepped back and decided not to inquire more, so I went back into the skiff to rest. Zelkir came in later and began looking through the maps. "Come." She ordered. When I came over to her I saw she had pinpointed a small fallen outpost about 30 miles to the east. " We go there , but first," she pointed at her ether canister " We need ether." I nodded in agreement, noticing that I too felt the lack of ether affecting me. We went out and decided to head to the crashed ketch. It took us most of the day to get there, mainly because we kept stopping to grab things. I cobbled together some armor, and found a piece of metal I could use as a walking stick. Zelkir mainly grabbed weapons, loading up on shock grenades, shock pistols, and grabbed a wire rifle. We finally arrived at the ketch near twilight. The ship, even torn to pieces, was magnificent. We entered near the cargo bay, and crept silently through the long corridors. We scavenged around the cargo bay but only found some small canisters. "Where is ether?" I asked Zelkir "There should be much more!". We scavenged around more, and decided to go to the bridge, the pilot servitor would have tons of it to spare. We crept through the halls, alert for any sign of movement. The closer we got to the bridge the more we noticed things like panels missing, and wires ripped out. We finally reached the bridge. We crept in silently, and silently climbed to where the servitor should be. We found a carcass of a once mighty machine, stripped of all essential parts. We heard him before we saw him. The faint crackle of energy swords, a faint him of cloaking tech. He was on us in seconds, slashing at us wildly. Zelkir leaped back and yelled at me "Run!" , but I didn't. I pulled out my shrapnel launcher and started shooting at him, aiming for the faint shimmer in the air that indicated cloaking tech. He turned to face me, and Zelkir took the opportunity. She jumped onto him and tackled him to the ground. I rushed over and pointed my gun at him to stop him from trying amything. "Identify yourself" I commanded "Skoei, House Devils" I looked at Zelkir. I could tell she didn't like this Skoei very much. "I am Ezkor, House Devils, This is Zelkir, House Kings." "House kings!" He tries to lunge at her but I hit him away with my gun's stock. "Stay where you are. We mean no harm." "She is House Kings! You traitor! Siding with the enemy!" "Shut up!" I roared " Look, unless you want to die listen up. We are the last fallen left alive here. So you either work with us or against us." I lower the gun and allow him to get up. I look at him and can see his fury burning inside. "Look, we are just trying to find some more ether, so will you help us?" I ask him. "Follow me." He growls and leads us into a side room. Inside is lined wall-to wall with ether tanks. He gives us each new tanks, and we grab more for later. We tell Skoei about our plan and ask if he wants to come. He agrees and says he might have some pikes somewhere. [i]A dreg walks into a large throne room. The walls are lined with computers. The throne is flanked by a pair of guards, a servitor floats lazily in the air. A vandal lounges on the throne. " What news do you bring?" " Our scouts just confirmed the battle is over." "Good. Have the scavengers been deployed yet? "Yes lord Kezil, they were dispatched Three hours ago." "Excellent."[/i]

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