a friend i faught with once
Bramd - old
[spoiler]*cough* fought *cough*[/spoiler] well... What happened? -
i meant we were war buddies we faught a war we could never have won no matter what we did [spoiler]srry i have bad grammar XD[/spoiler]
only 10 survived the war, both armies almost completely obliterated 5 on each. the two armies of the gods fighting in the end we lost i escaped but i friend *he clenches his fist* he died i a-abandoned them.
Bramd - old
Wow. I wish I could have changed that. The date on there was when I was a god, before Wit came in my life I'm really sorry. -
no its fine it happens when you fight for the gods. especially when you are one of their champions
Bramd - old
It sounds like you fought valiantly. I'd like to see you fight. With me. An ex-god. Please. -
id be glad to, but preferably somewhere a little farther away from this grave
Bramd - old
I know just the place. *you black out* *when you regain consciousness, you are in a hazy forest. The only things you see are some trees, a pale moon, and MegaMortar not 100 feet away* Welcome to the simulation. -
"interesting" *he gets up and forms his black sword and Armour* "you go first"
Bramd - old
I'd love to, but it is customary for the visitor to go first *readies a dark blue sword that releases blazing inextinguishable green flames. The sword barely shines from the moonlight* -
"alright but the only way to fight a god is to use a divine form" *you see pure life and death energy come to him and he absorbs it and he enters a divine form* *he is a bright yellow with blue eyes* "this is my divine form given to me by the gods" *he forms 2 swords while the old one disappears the 2 new ones are black and white as if replicating the ying yang symbol and immediately after charges at going for your abdomen*
Edited by BrandRobKus: 3/30/2016 2:37:36 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*dissolves into the ground to evade, then reforms behind you and slices your back* EX god! You don't need that yet! *my red eyes look you up and down* -
*he jumps up just in time to only get out with a slight scratch* "ex or not you still have the power" *50 clones form out of thin air* "lets do this" *12 clones go to attack you the rest stay back*
Bramd - old
Nope *makes multiple mirages, throwing you off* *all ready large iron balls (3feet diameter) and fire them at the clones* -
*the clones are destroyed and the real one seems to have used it as a distraction for he is preparing a summoning* "forgotten army of the gods" *you see a large army of 500 soldiers all about average strength for a regular human* *a large amount of arrows are launched at you all used to damage gods*
Edited by BrandRobKus: 3/30/2016 3:31:40 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
Nope nope nope nope nope! *the key words are "made to destroy gods" but since I revived Wit long ago, I am now mortal, so the arrows don't do much* *to destroy the humans, I punch the ground, creating a magnitude 9 earthquake* *catches some, and throws them at the speed of sound* -
*450 members are destroyed leaving 50 alive but injured beyond any healing technique and they disappear* "damn i should start using techniques meant fr humans" *he starts another summoning but it turns to a black mist* "this mist will knock out any mortal that enters except its caster" *the black mist spreads and heads towards you* "good luck"
Edited by BrandRobKus: 3/30/2016 3:50:24 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
Mind if I alter it slightly? *dissolves in the ground, then reforms in the center of it, and coughs up spores for an exotic fungus* MUCH better! -
*he flys up about 20 feet into the air* "its time for the moon itself to come down upon you" *he raises his hands then throws them in front of him as if throwing something at you and the moon is now heading towards you* "tell me if i die here will i die in the real world or anyone else for that matter"
Bramd - old
Ah, this is simply a simulation room. You are just unconscious at that grave *makes the moon disappear* Just one thing we can do here* *jumps at you and slices at your face* -
*he lowers his body just enough so you get cut off pieces of his grey hair and immediately punches your stomach with the force of a god* "this is fun" "never has anyone been able to counter any of my magics or powers"
Bramd - old
*gets knocked back 20 feet, then dissolves into the ground, reforming behind you.* That's because the moon was fake *the sword becomes a large war hammer, and is slammed over you* -
*he falls into the ground breaking his arm in which he rips it off* *afterwards it arm disappears with a red lightning effect and then a new arm appears with a red lighting effect* "you like that? its not regeneration either" *he jumps toward you and the swords he spawned earlier appear i his hands once again and he goes to deliver a finishing blow*
Bramd - old
Finishing? I'm just getting started! *slams the hammer at you, keeping you stuck to the floor*