Yeah, this is [b]totally[/b] not satire.
Everything on hunters as a whole is OK just fix the backstab glitch and buff symbiote so we can see gunslingers return
Just buff everything else to stop the nerfing cycle.
This may be satire, but smoke could be looked at. I can breathe in space using my helmet but a smoke grenade can blind me and slow me? Where's the logic...
The only thing i hate about hunters is the wombo combo, smoke then vortex. It [u]does not[/u] take and skill what so ever to use, its the cheapest way too kill ever. And i main a hunter. I stopped using my hunter because its too bland and easy too get kills with, now im maining my warlock. Best fun ive had cx
It's so funny how people are actually taking this post seriously lol. -blam!-ing retards.
No, please stop asking for un- needed nerfs [spoiler]im a Titan [/spoiler] you guys start a nerf cycle
This post is biased and sucks cheeks!
This is a completely biased poll, without a doubt. Your poll supplies everything against hunters, therefore it isn't liable for evidence to nerf them. Backstab may be a glitch, but in my opinion, I like it. Yes it's a glitch, but if it was an actual perk: I wouldn't be mad at all. Blade dancers have limited power anyway: they only have extended range for melee, just as much as warlocks. Storm caller have extreme range, yet that's more stronger. Blink strike doesn't always connect, and for it to glitch out, you have to be face on so you'll priabalu eat a shotgun anyway. 4/10 it glitches out, otherwise it doesn't. Scorch shield is better, storm fist is better, thunderstruck is better. Give me one melee that is weaker than blink strike. Convince me how that's OP and Warlock Scorch shields aren't.
Fusion rifles need nerf too.
Bump for joke lol
I like how people who do polls like this give no credit to other people's opinion . This then will make your opinion invalid and one sided.
Agreed they should nerf fusion rifles
I love how people can't recognize that this isn't serious.
omg yes totally they r hackerz and need 2 b banned im [b]totally[/b] dont main a hunter cuz they have hax
I disagree, see you in the dark zone. [spoiler]or see you in hell either way you'll lose..[/spoiler]
Call me
I gotta say, I've been loving the vortex grenade/venom smoke combo. I went 10.0 in my first IB match today, my first three kills were a triple kill with that combo.
They should nerf Titans, just to make sure hunters are Overpowred. Also they should nerf all weapons to water pistols and spud guns just to be certain it was a good call
Kek. I dunno man. I think fusion rifles are the real enemy. We need to bury them into the ground with nerfs.
Nerf sunsingers
I saw a stupid ass warlock nerf post,so I thought I would be a dumbass myself and make a stupid ass garbage post to fill the forum with more shit. Good've succeeded 👍
Not voting for either.....You think nerfs are always the answer
So you want the fusion rifles nerfed right?