>Dead Space
>Saints Row 4
>Wolf Among Us
>Sunset Overdrive
What do you cheeky bastards r8?
Well sunset overdrive is great alone!!! Got it for $30 on sale and worth every penny
Sunset overdrive looks decent to me.
On a side note, I don't want to make a whole thread for this, but I tried to grab Borderlands on Xbox.com, with its free GwG status, and it said I needed to put in a credit card. I don't have a credit card, so I was wondering if there's any way it'd let me use the balance on my Xbox?
Everything but Saints Row is cool for me this month. I've wanted The Wolf Among Us, kind of wanted Sunset Overdrive, and Dead Space seems cool.
Edited by EmoSceneRawrXD: 3/30/2016 11:24:23 AMThat's... Actually pretty good. Probably an April fool's joke, though.
I've wanted Sunset Overdrive since that fateful day a long time ago when i saw it in a movie ad
Don't care for Dead Space [b][u]Despise[/u][/b] Saint's Row with a passion Not sure on Wolf Among Us Got a feeling I'll hate Sunset Overdrive.
Damn nice!
Which ones are on the one? Due to some age setting complications and me being an utter lazy idiot I can't download games for the 360 that are m
Dead space!!
Edited by UberFonzie: 3/30/2016 3:37:06 AMI go without Gold for one month. [i]one month.[/i] [b][i]one.[/i][/b] And this happens.
That actually looks sick af
Edited by FuzeMainIn2k17: 3/30/2016 9:24:17 AMHaha you used 7 instead of 10 that is so [b]fu[i]c[/i]king hilarious[/b] my dude
Shameless self-bump
And over here at PlayStation were getting our third 2D arcade game in a row... [spoiler]So fùcking done[/spoiler]
4 games i dont own and i want to play -blam!- my list of unplayed/unfinished games get longer and longer Currently over 20...
Waiting for skate !!!!!
Xb1 or xb360
I'm getting all of these games
This is really good lineup for GwG
DEADSPACE!!! I know what I'm telling my friend ( a known coward at times) to get, I'll tell him its like halo with zombies...
What is this rating system?
The first dead space? I love that game.
Is wolf among us the full game or only first episode