[quote]Sovereign, Mantle's Approach, Harbinger, Hunhow, Warden Eternal, (maybe) Ur-Didact, Clem, Inaros (Warframe), a Promethean Knight, a Forerunner Guardian...
Evidence: Sovereign is a Reaper.
This protects it how?
The Mantle's Approach is vast,
Not as vast as a planet.
and durable, and should be able to sustain the damage,
We don't know that.
Harbinger is also a Reaper,
Hunhow is a Sentient Destroyer of Worlds, and can adapt to damage like his drones. He can manipulate technology and turn it against it's wielder (see: Fall of the Orokin Empire),
How does this make him durable enough to survive 53 quadrillion megatons?
Warden Eternal due to his spare bodies, Ur-Didact -might- be able to survive a hit?,
No, no way in hell.
Clem can be cloned again,
Still counts as death.
Inaros is a Warframe with (if set up correctly) a lot of heatlh and could survive the damage theoretically speaking and is a Warframe (which can just be rebuilt if destroyed),
Gameplay is not allowed as proof.
a Promethean Knight's Watcher will resurrect the Knight,
Still counts as death.
a Forerunner Guardian can EMP the Death Star, forcing the Empire to 'reload' the weapon.
It can't avoid the Death Stars blast, it actually has to survive being hit.
Additional evidence can be researched. You haven't.[/spoiler][/quote]
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