I know. Mayhem. Clash. Teams of roving bads, and fast charging supers. But stay with me.
Even against teams of 6 running Mayhem Clash all week, I have never seen a game
Mode where the lead could swing almost instantly.
Fast supers.
Fast grenades.
Who needs a primary, secondary, or heavy? Your super is charged again!!
So anyway. Had a great time this week leveling a hunter through mayhem; we need this as an Iron Banner mode.
Think of it. Queue solo? Doesn't matter. As a team? STILL DON'T MATTER! Rewards and bounties can be done easily... Maybe not the primary/secondary.. Hard to Mida someone that is Golden Gunning your face, but high score and others would be knocked out so fast people would have a chance to enjoy themselves again!
Stress free murdering! Like the Purge, but all week for Iron Banner!
Tell me what you think. I can't be alone in this. Bump for Bungie attention!
Edit: Wow so [b]much[/b] positive attention, and hardly any sodium! Keep this bumped and up voted, and remember:
"If it's red, it's dead."
Edit: agree or disagree all you like, just don't turn this thread into a typical "you scrub muffin. Look at your stats!" Or a "that's stupid, you're stupid for thinking that" without having any kind of Mayhem experience. It makes you a super douche nozzle.
Edit: [b]We got a blue's attention! *dance*[/b]
Iron banner is an endgame activity Anyone can walk out of mayhem with a positive kd