"fusion magic?!" *i take all forms of energy into me and enter the perfect warrior state* "in this form my strength doubles every second!"
Bramd - old
[spoiler]god mod warning, try to tone it down a little, kay?[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]oh srry lemme change that[/spoiler] "fusion magic?!" *i take all forms of energy into myself and enter perfect warrior state* "my final form this is where i am strongest"
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Perfect[/spoiler] I'd challenge you in my true form, but it's off fighting Zane. You should see it! *takes out taser and tazes self* *limbs become longer, stronger. Three arms protrude from my back, attached to them, a mortar.* -
"great" *he launches multiple black arrows at you*
Bramd - old
*most are deflected by the mortar* *More darkness balls are being fired out of the mortar, tracking you, getting bigger as they get close to you* -
*i disappears having the orbs going past where i was*
Bramd - old
*they condense where you were, becoming a huge darkness ball* *as soon as you reappear, you will be greeted by a ball the size of the average suburb house* -
"alright then lets do something else" *he reappears behind you but is see through*
Bramd - old
*turns around, the mortar accidentally hitting you* YOU. -
*the mortar goes through me* *you here my voice all around you* "do you like my holographic clones?" *more appear behind the original holographic clone*
Bramd - old
*sits down and waits for the real you to come out* -
[spoiler]srry ill be back later[/spoiler]
*i see your the patient type fine then* "summoning" *you see 9 magic circles appear on the ground about 50ft away and then 9 warriors appeared on top of them* "the rest of the champions of the gods back from the dead"
Bramd - old
*The giant ball, now the size of TWO average suburb houses, takes out three. The rest are eliminated by a dark pulse running through the ground* I will not lose. -
*the three are dead but the others use heavens shield to block the pulses* *one goes to speak* "i will fight you now" *he has a larger and bulkier build his Armour being silver with gold lining and a very large broadsword* *he takes a stance but the stance seems to be a defensive one but he is prepping himself as if he is going to attack*
Bramd - old
*waits for attack, the mortar's pressure building up* If I were in my True form, I'd slaughter you all at once. Not today, though. -
*he charges and as he does clones of him spawn charging surrounding you*
Bramd - old
*the clones are easy to disperse, a large earthquake destroys them, but when you charge me, your head goes into the barrel of the mortar, perfect time...* *to fire it* -
*a women cuts of the mortar just in time with her daggers and lands behind you* *you hear her say* "man just as clumsy in death as you were in life" *the man disappears* *the women prepares for you to attack*
Bramd - old
*the mortar (and arms attaching it) shatter, but the shards stay in the air, then reform right where they were* *I turn around, swinging the mortar at you* -
*she ducks low enough to dodge the mortar and swipe at your leg and backflips just outside of your estimated range* *100 ft or so*
Bramd - old
Distance is just a number *forms a large iron ball, and hurls it at your direction, seemingly not losing energy* -
*another larger build man jumps infront with a shield* [spoiler]the words in caps is for the women[/spoiler] "are you okay my love?" "WHY MUST YOU BOTHER" "i must make up to you in death for what i did in life" "WHATEVER" *the women goes up beside the man and they both take a defensive stance*
Bramd - old
*I smash my fist into the ground, causing both of them to fall to the ground with a Massive earthquake* Now now, quarreling won't get you anywhere. *I hold the man in place with my foot, now talons.* *I get my sword, purple flames writhing in excitement for the kill, and lodge it in his head*