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3/31/2016 12:41:26 AM

Bungie's Twitch Channel... Could be more lively. Here's the why and the how..

Wow, I just typed that out and realized how long it is. Kudos to anyone that sits through reading it all. The main points are my ideas, the numbered paragraphs. You can understand by reading the title of this post what I'm asking. Well, pleading. I think we can all agree that the Twitch studio was DEFINITELY a step in the right direction. It allowed streams to happen regularly from the HQ, without much setup or space reservation required. Fantastic. We can also agree that enabling Twitch Subscriptions was also a good move. This gives help to regulate chat with Sub Only mode, they're sending all profits to charity, even Elliott designed some cool emotes for chatters all over Twitch. This boosts audience engagement like crazy. People love the action, and seeing/hearing it in real time (with about a 10-15 second delay) is amazing. That aside, there's definitely some improvements (maybe even next steps, if you'd call it that) that would enhance the channel even more. That's what I'm here to suggest. We know you guys aren't used to streaming. Hell, you're one of the few game developers that do. Some of us are understanding of that. The others, well, they get banned. Anyways, the channel should be more lively! More events every week, more developer guests, and more of DeeJ drinking bottles of unknown substances that had labels torn off (reference to SRL stream)! People play Destiny because they like entertainment. People watch Twitch because they like entertainment. People watch you guys because they like entertainment (as well as update previews and in-game rewards, but that kinda goes against my argument here). My point is this. Get more people watching, Destiny is higher in the game directory. More people watch Destiny, more people decide to play Destiny. Twitch gets people playing games, that's undeniable. This brings me to my second point... People watch Bungie because you guys are the game developers. Plain and simple. However, more people would watch Bungie and get excited about Destiny if the channel was live more often. Again, undeniable. Just like any streamer, they gain popularity for one (or more) of these reasons: 1. People are entertained. 2. People get something they won't get anywhere else. 3. People can depend on the channel to be live consistently with good content. All of these things work over a period of time. The more streams, the more growth. You guys need more streams. Need some ideas? I've got a few: 1. Casual game-play. Bungie Bounties are so fun because everyone's trying to queue against you guys. Why not allow people queuing with you guys? Go solo into Crucible and play with the community. Entertain the masses. Be. Fun. To. Watch. You don't even need to give away emblems, people are just excited to play with (or against) the developers of the game they're on. It's [i]cool[/i] to say you queued against or with Bungie, it's [i]cool[/i] to say you were featured on stream. 2. Raids. Get a fireteam of Bungie developers playing from home, dive into a raid and see how they play. Everyone would love seeing someone like Urk or Lars (the first two names that popped into my head) attempting to do a raid, even failing miserably. Try some challenges, act like yourselves for once. Oh, did I say that? Yeah, that's a problem with a larger corporation breathing down your necks. I guess naturally, have some kind of filter, but try to have fun playing the game you guys worked so hard on. 3. Chat Giveaways. Yeah, chat. I called them out. Every once in a while during an update reveal stream or even a random Bungie Bounty stream, say you're going to giveaway 1000 Silver. Everyone in the sub-only chat types "silver", you pick a winner, and someone gets lucky. You get people to chat, you get people to watch for those random moments where they could get lucky and score something cool. Not to mention the silly reactions when someone like Cozmo wins and you have to re-roll. Pick a winner, the winner sends Bungie a PM on Twitch with their console and name, they get their rewards. Cool. Do them randomly so the audience is always being attentive. Boost chat engagement. Profit. 4. Weekly Updates. No, not actual updates. Like the "This Week At Bungie" segments. They're already an article, why not do them on stream? You're giving people something to look forward to each week, why not do it live? It makes it way more fun for the community, to hear what's going on from the company itself. Whether or not you use a teleprompter or just come up with some talking points, well that's on you. But just to have that kind of thing done live instead of posted would go a long way. DeeJ talks about the major things, a dev walks into the studio to give their comment, just like in the post. You guys could even call up Cozmo for the MOTW and show the videos live. Suspense for the people who entered, publicity for those that won. When it's all done, just make a blog post as usual. Say "earlier today on Twitch, we did a weekly briefing. Here's what we talked about." There's already a few game companies that do this, take "Warframe" for example. They do dev-streams every week, and the viewers LOVE it. The developers see a live reaction to their work. 5. Recognize Subscribers. Yeah, that little text in the bottom right-hand corner, yeah. That. How about you guys thank people personally with a shoutout like "Yo EbearVersion1, thanks for the sub. The Bungie Foundation appreciates your donation." Just make people feel like they're being recognized, make them feel at home on the Twitch channel. Act like a person on stream, not like a robot being controlled by a teleprompter. These are just a few things that could be done, I'm sure there's loads more. My main point is this: we appreciate all that's going on now, but there's a few things that could be done better. Let us help you make Twitch better just like we help you make your game better. One stream a week is great, but two or three would just be outstanding. Let subscribers get their money's worth of watch time. Have fun with it. Anyway, that's my thing. If anyone on here agrees, you know what to do. If you disagree, try to be constructive. Yeah, I said try. TL;DR: Bungie could make their Twitch channel a lot better with little change. Read the beginnings of each number to see my ideas. Do you have any ideas, let me know. If it's reasonable, I'll edit it in.

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