How long does it take to get to zone A vs getting to zone C from the start of the match? Seems further to me.... Especially when every time I start a game on that side of the map.... It can't be equal.
Also, now that I have your attention.... Why do I keep getting loaded into teams that are THOUSANDS of points behind the winning team? Is this some Angels in the Outfield ish? Are we supposed to do some miracle comeback with 4 guardians vs a full team?
Every single Iron Banner comes with some improvement of last Banners issues. Like they're trying to top the connection issues, the loading into losing teams constantly issues, etc. The issues seem that be evolving and become more and more sentient...
Never have I ever.... Complained so much about this game like I have in the last year. I've don't it on here, on tumblr, on Facebook.... It's frustrating as ****!!!!
I'm a fan. Like this is the game I play solely....on my ps4 and I'm shaking in my boots to giddy to play the update. But Jeeze Louize.....
Jeeze Louize....smfh..... :(
That's it.... I'm just going to start leaving matches. Kcuf it.