originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*crawls into the dojo* "FINALLY, I made it! For those that can hear me, I hail from DoX (Destroyers of Xylar), and I come to get a break from those silly folk. So who's ready for a fight?"
[spoiler]My character is a cyborg that can summon and shoot lightning. He comes equipped with a revolver/hand cannon, two knives that can extend into swords, and a double barrel shotgun. And my ammo is interchangeable, for example: Explosive Ammo, Ice Ammo, etc. If this seems to OP feel free to tell me.[/spoiler]
"DON'T DAMN ME, YOU NEVER TOLD ME TO CLOSE IT!" *I fire off my two explosive shells and take out three bats*
Bramd - old
Is your name Wit? *releases some flares at a large group of bats, killing about 6 of them* If there was one thing about that bastard, it was that he loved animals! -
"Sorry! I can get a little stupid in the heat of battle." *I back up slowly while firing lightning from my hand taking out another trio of bats* "Did this Wit guy create your little training dimension? Or is he some baddie we got to kill."
Bramd - old
Wait! *my red eyes get brighter and brighter, until they are too blinding to look at. The bat things drop from the ceiling dead* Wit is a friend of mine, I dunno why he brought these HERE, but... I'm gonna have to talk with him. -
"Nice party trick, but we should get out of here before more show up. And when you see your friend again, tell him I said hi." *I motion you to follow me before I begin a full on sprint through the tunnel*
Bramd - old
Wait! *dissolves into the ground to find any secret passageways* *reforms in front of you* I found something! Just blow up this wall here *points to the left wall* -
*I stop my sprint and face the wall* "Yes sir." *I produce a C4 explosive and charge it with my electricity* "You may want to stand back, this will be a bigger explosion than your regular C4." *Distant screeches can be heard* "And as soon as it goes off, we book it." *I plant the C4 and move back 10 feet* "Boom." *The explosion destroys the wall no problem and I immediately run for the newly created doorway*
Bramd - old
*The wall is broken, and a swirling void is in the center of the room* There is is *sprints quickly* -
"I assume we just jump into it." *I back up a few feet then sprint into the vortex* "YOLO!"
Edited by BrandRobKus: 4/1/2016 5:36:19 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*you black out when running through* *when you regain consciousness, you are back at the dojo* -
"Ah, finally. So, I believe this is were we part ways."
Bramd - old
Maybe Still better than the lake *jokingly shudders* -
[spoiler]Compared to most, this is underpowered. I'll send my easy one on ya. Hehehehe.[/spoiler] *Eucliwood strides up* "Well hello there. Looking for a fight?" [spoiler]She's armed with magic and can form metal blades and armor.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Possibly underpowered? I like those odds.[/spoiler] "It's been awhile since I've had a good fight. Ready when you are!"
"[b][i]Hellhound.[/i][/b]" *The ground in front of her splits apart in a gout of flames, and as it closes, a rock-magma hellhound standing at 6' is between you and her* "Heh. Good boy."
"Hmm, this should be fun." *I unholster my hand cannon and load lightning rounds into it, and also charge the hand cannon with lightning, enabling it to fire extremely fast* "Come at me you raging mutt." *I unsheath me knife in my other hand*
"Freddy. Kill." *She grins as the hellhound leaps forwards at you, closing the distance in a fraction of a second. While Freddy attacks you her ring flashes and the rustle of metal can be heard*
*I attempt to dodge Freddie's attacks but my rusting body causes me to move too slow.* "Damnit!" *I get hit off the ground and fly several feet like a rag doll, when I land I raise my hand cannon up with one arm and fire eight lightning rounds at you, but only five are headed to the hellhound*
*The hellhound shrugs off the bullets and slams into you, tearing at you with his claws and teeth. Metal wings block your shots at Eucliwood, channeling the current into the ground. She stands back up and encases an arm in armor*