Bramd - old
Fine, fine. *dissolves before you hit the ground, so your blades get stuck in the ground* *reforms behind you, and slices at you back, the flames melting some of your armor* -
"Ow, that kinda stings. But it's not like I wasn't expecting any less." *I fly into the air in an arch motion pulling my swords out of the ground and twist around in the air hurling a smoke bomb*
Bramd - old
*does nothing, until the smoke bomb activates, then he coughs up an exotic fungus that can corrode your systems and software* Don't mess with something until you learn it. -
*curses under my breath* "Damn, that's gonna mess me up. Hopefully I won't have to use my backup form." *I fly out of the smoke with some corruption, but draw my double barreled shotgun and load it with Fire Shells* "Good thing my smoke is combustible."
Bramd - old
Until the fungus mixes in -
"Well I better do it now then!" *shoots the smoke with my Fire Shells and the smoke creates an explosion, though smaller than it should be due to the fungus* *I reload my dbshotgun with Ice Shells and search through the smoke created in the blast* "Now where are you?"
Bramd - old
*you do not see me, until a large iron ball rips through the smoke, being thrown at you* No -
*I fire my Ice Shells on instinct slowing it down enough to dodge them* "That was close. But too slow." *I fire a volley of mini rockets at you while reloading my dbshotgun with Thermite Shells*
Bramd - old
*dissolves into the ground and waits* Try not to godmod -
[spoiler]whats considered god Modding?[/spoiler] *Waits for you to reappear*
Bramd - old
[spoiler]attacking without appearing to take damage[/spoiler] *reforms to jump up and slice at you* -
[spoiler] he wasn't god modding. He literally shot your iron balls til the impact showed them down to a slower speed that He could then dodge....[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]never said he was, just a suggestion[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]Ok, I'll try not too. Also, do you know what thermite is?.[/spoiler] *You manage to slice my front armor off but one of my thermite shells hits you as I recoil back from your strike* "You're good." *I rip off the damaged portion of my chest armor*
Bramd - old
[spoiler]I think...[/spoiler] *hits in the leg, and the leg burns* -
[spoiler]That would be correct.[/spoiler] *goes into a defensive stance, protecting my exposed upper body*
Bramd - old
*grabs custom Magnum and shoots you in the chest, the mist off of the bullet seemingly draining your energy* Hmm -
*The lights on my body and armor begin to flicker* "Crap, take this!" *I sling out my revolver and fire 3 shots in quick succession*
Bramd - old
*tries to dodge, but one grazes ear, and one grazes shoulder* Ow, that stings *dissolves into the ground, then reforms behind you and stabs you through the stomach* -
*I yell in pain and immediately turn around and hurl one knife at you and stab at you with my other knife, right after I attack I collapse on the ground*
Bramd - old
*one knife goes in my forearm, the other grazes my ear, ripping my mask and slicing some of the skin off* *acidic blood is dripping from all the cuts and bullet holes* You okay there? *plunges sword into the ground, and it dissolves into it* Losing... Blood... *passes out* *when we regain consciousness, we are in a dark hazy forest, the only things visible are the trees, a pale moon, and each other* Not here, not here. -
*I shakily get up* "Where are we? Some kind of forest?"
Bramd - old
No, this is my simulation room, where I fight sometimes. Happens when we both black out. -
"Oh, okay. So truce?" *I hold out my hand*
Bramd - old
Yes *shakes* We just need to find the way out of here...