Edited by Doos: 3/31/2016 4:05:28 PM[spoiler]very well. Still well within my means to escape.[/spoiler] *Maya smiles and flexes a little. It does nothing to the void surrounding her.* [b]You got any last words Skelty? Obviously you can't die.. But it sure will be one hell of a jigsaw puzzle when you're bones scatter.[/b]
Bramd - old
[i]yes, actually[/i] *layers more and more shadow until you cannot breathe* [i]but you won't be around to hear em[/i] -
Edited by Doos: 3/31/2016 4:14:25 PM*she coughs up a few more words* [b]You- gasp- realize that- gasp.cough-you're just making i- cough-it darker under here?[/b] *with a loud [i]whump[/i] Maya disappears into her Shadow Realm. The void shadows collapse on the empty space like a gunshot. Above Crossbow, opens an exit point and out comes a torrent of billowing shadow-smoke. Vortex in shape it screams down at a high speed toward his body. It hits the ground and rips a crater into the ground. Blasting trees, bushes, and other life away. It settles and a thick layer of the shadows hover over the ground like fog.* [spoiler]inb4 godmodding: I didn't explicitly say what happened to crossbow. Technically the force of the blast should collapse his skeleton from the weight and the gale force winds of impact would blow em away. But as in all things Dojo. Im sure he probably survived so I left what happened to you. Obviously. It's your character. Good luck ;)[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*is affected by fog, for he has asthma* *creates a shadow shield over me to stop the fog* -
[b]OH GOD! IM SO SORRY![/b] *Wisks away the shadows* [b]Wait..... How- you- what- how did you escape that?![/b]
Bramd - old
[i]simple, shadows[/i] -
[b]..... That's vague but I like it. I'm not entirely sure what I could even do then that would be more than scratches...[/b]
Bramd - old
[i]simple, this.[/i] *fires many arrows* -
*A large access point opens up in front of Maya. It closes loudly as soon as the arrows enter and disappear. Your hear a softer [i]whump[/i] about a foot behind you and the arrows whistling to your back* [b]Well... You did say those would do the trick.[/b]
Bramd - old
*catches them without turning around* [i]well... Those were the wrong arrows[/i] *takes bow and fires arrows* -
*Maya sighs. Waves a hand while she looks slightly off in the distance with exasperation.* [b]Did you not learn last time? [/b] *As before. An access point opens up in front of Maya swallowing each arrow amd each consecutive one after. Three exit points appear above Crossbow's head. One straight above and two to the side. Arrows come spilling out as fast as Crossbow fires them.*
Bramd - old
*the arrows break your shadows and hit you in your face* [i]I did[/i] -
[spoiler]hint. Shadow realm is in a different dimension. Those arrows, whatever they are, are not going to 'break' a portal.. But whatever. I'll go with it.[/spoiler] *The leftover shadows spilling out of the access point reach up to cover Maya's face with blinding speed. Deterring the arrows path enough that instead of fatal wounds, she receives three deep scars along her cheek* *Maya rushes through the repaired access point and drops above Crossbow with one of his arrows in hand. She attempts to puncture his skull* [b]YOU DON'T TOUCH THE FACE[/b]
Bramd - old
*evades* Do you know how I destroyed that portal? *stabs bayonet in your neck* -
Edited by Doos: 3/31/2016 6:10:08 PM*The body crumbles into smoky shadows. You hear a voice above you. You look up and see a face peering at you from her shadow realm exit point. Blood still dripping from her face, but there's a patch held over the wounds* [b]Yes. In fact, I would love to know, because nothing. And I'm not using that word lightly, can overrule a Shadow Master's control over his/her shadows, especially his/her shadow realm. Unless of course you're ranked higher. In this case... You'd have to be a Shadow Master 2°. Of which there are only four in the world.[/b]
Bramd - old
I may not be the smartest guy, but I'm pretty sure that what the arrow is made of made a reaction between the darkness of the shadows and the light of the arrow. [i]True, what Mortar said. The arrows are made of condensed light, kinda like a lightsaber.[/i] *shoots at your face* -
[spoiler] which that would work in keeping me from opening it. But not after its already open. Oh well[/spoiler] *somersaults back and grabs the arrow* [b]Odd.... Well nature doesn't always follow rules.[/b] *nocks and launches that arrow back*
Bramd - old
*holds crossbow in a way that the arrow becomes my ammo, and fires it back* [i]I feel like we are just repeating ourselves[/i] -
Edited by Doos: 3/31/2016 9:18:58 PM[b]Well I have literally ran out of ideas that could possibly harm you... Stalemate?[/b] *She takes the arrow in your shoulder purposefully. Grunts. Rips it out and breaks it over her knee*
Bramd - old
[i]Why not?[/i] *relaxes* -
[b]Then it was a good fight my friend[/b] *Walks over hand outstretched*
Bramd - old
[i]And you. This wasn't a bad one[/i] *shakes hand, you can feel the bone under the glove* [spoiler]Was I being godmoddy? I haven't really developed this character.[/spoiler] -
[spoiler] I'm not one to judge considering how new I am. But just a tiny bit. But nothing too overbearing. I had fun[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]me too[/spoiler] *walks away, MegaMortar following, occasionally looking back at you* That was a cool fight [i]I guess, maybe a bit redundant.[/i] -
*Maya waves after the two. Cups her hands around her mouth* [b]REDUNDANCY IS NEVER A BAD THING TO HAVE.[/b]