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3/31/2016 6:34:52 PM
These are not analogous examples or situations at all. Drop boosters were not in any trailers that I am aware of for the DLC itself. The Exotics were. Again, if the Exotics were shown in some E3 video, that's one thing. Any gamer should know that all of that could change as it's still in development. A trailer, basically a commercial for a product that includes something even visually, better be there at release. This was not some E3 demo, this was a commercial, encouraging you to buy the DLC, that visually showed things heavily implied to be in said product/game/DLC. As to your point about things that were removed still being in the armory, the fact that you state it was "removed" clearly shows it existed and was there to begin with (and being in the armory illustrates). So they removed it and left the carcass in the armory, that's fine. But it was "removed" meaning it did exist and was taken out. Even if that is the same thing with the Exotics, that means they were A) advertised to be in a product you had to spend money on and B) were "removed" further illustrating (along with the armory) that they should have been in game by now (or by some point in the TTK life cycle).

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