When does asking for advertised content become crying? If I bought a laptop that was advertised as having 8 GB of RAM, and when I start it up I find it only has 4 GB, would I not be justified in asking for the other 4 GB? Or am I just supposed to let the company who sold it to me get away with false advertising? "Well, looks like they lied to me, I guess I'll just have to accept it and hope they don't lie to me about the next laptop I buy."
Well in that case you are paying for a finished product and there would be reason for concern but that 4 GB is probably just being used up by operating software : ) You bought a ticket into their world that will be forever changing.. it is not a finished product but arguably the greatest idea in console history thus far. I'm sure there's good reason for them not releasing those exotics. They don't owe you an answer. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture from a development standpoint and not a consumer.
We bought The Taken King dlc, which was given to us as a finished product. The Destiny series as a whole may not be finished, but a dlc is not sold as a work in progress, it's sold as the finished next step in the game. So yes, we did purchase a finished product.
[quote]Well in that case you are paying for a finished product and there would be reason for concern but that 4 GB is probably just being used up by operating software : ) [/quote] That's not what what I meant and you know it, stop being pedantic. [quote]arguably the greatest idea in console history thus far. [/quote] Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... [quote] I'm sure there's good reason for them not releasing those exotics. [/quote] I'm sure there could be, but that's the whole point of this topic. People would like to know why they aren't in the game. [quote] They don't owe you an answer. [/quote] No, they don't, that's technically true. I think we [i]deserve[/i] one though. [quote]Take a step back and look at the bigger picture from a development standpoint and not a consumer.[/quote] From a developers standpoint, they've obviously been fairly well developed, given they were fully textured in the trailer, and have full stats in the armoury. Developed enough that bungie should be able to answer why they aren't in the game yet. Look, I'm not asking Bungie to put them in the game right now or anything like that, I'd just like an answer as to why they aren't, when they were clearly advertised for TTK six months ago. That's not too much to ask.
That's not what I meant at all but it's not worth it trying to explain. Make a meme with a picture of the exotics and put "free the exotics" : (
Oh, you explained your points quite well. They were just stupid points.
You might as well stop. There are a large number of people that are hyperventilating about bungle doing something. They don't care if it's just adding stupid rose petals to the tower. To them, bungle has never done anything wrong and never will. And people wonder why corporations think that they can get away with anything.