[quote]People like you are a part of the problem.. not the solution.[/quote]
You are probably the most ignorant person I've ever come across on these forums. So you are telling me that because it's their game they have a right to take my money and not deliver anything if they don't want to.
So if I were to buy a car say from Ford it would be okay for them to sell the model of the car but not the engine because it's their design and it's constantly being improved upon and changed. Smh.... Seriously gtfo my post fanboy. Muted.
A car needs an engine to run or else it wouldn't be a car. A video game is still a video game regardless if they don't release some things they originally had planned. Almost as dumb of a comparison as the jeweler guy.
yep. troll hard. he adds nothing. he's a void. carry on. ignore.