Basted and OE are the superior choices. If you choose sunny you're wrong.
Add your way if it's not up there.
Edit: Scrambled with a commanding lead. Yolk is kill.
Shaken, not stirred
Two over easy eggs on top of rice, then mixed up with the rice and with a bit of soy sauce, along with some fried hot dogs is heaven, dude.
Over hard.
With weenies
Next to my steak.
Sunny side down... AND don't flip them over!
Didn't know I am in the absolute minority.
Just had scrambled 3 minutes ago
What is basted
Very much. Thanks for asking
I like my eggs like I like my women. [spoiler]non-sterile[/spoiler]
Where's the fertilized option?
Ever had Balut?
Over mid well. Almost nobody can do this sadly. Just barely not runny.
I like mine with a kiss
Sterile, no surprise pregnancies ;)
I like them naked while watching porn (sunny side up)
All of them.
I like mine on top of ham and potatoes covered in green chilli...
Still in the womb ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [spoiler]Prepare a big batch of pickled mustard seeds and use them on anything from pork cheek to pastrami sandwiches to Foie Gras Parfait. These versatile, tangy little seeds will brighten up any fatty dish and add textural intrigue with a subtle caviarlike pop in your mouth.[/spoiler]