"LFG is bad as everyone on it simply places too many standards and loot requirements that it is impossible to do content without doing it first... Bungie should add optional matchmaking instead so that we can just jump straight into content..."
"In-game matchmaking for everything would be bad as it would just be a bunch of randoms which means we would have very little communication. Look at the Resurrective mind strike already, it is almost impossible to do with a bunch of randoms and matchmaking would be the same.... I just want ingame LFG so I can make sure that the party I get is decent and I can make sure we all have a mic..."
These are the shortened versions of the arguments that plague the forums today. We have three camps of people on the forums in terms of this issue. One wants LFG, one wants matchmaking and the final simply do not care about the game and instead just want to troll the forums. Now everyone wants Bungie to take one side of the argument and implement that feature, yet by doing so Bungie would end up snubbing the other half. So my preposal is simple, Bungie takes a third option and adds both. Therefore all sides are happy. LFGers get to use an ingame LFG, Matchmakers get their matchmaking for all and the trolls get new features to say that Bungie is only doing it to try and compete with (whichever popular game is being released near that date). So, my suggestion is that we add these changes;
- Add an option so people can choose to not be matchmade into already formed groups on PVP. This option would be disabled naturally, however if a player wishes then they can activate it to only be lined up for new sessions.
- Matchmaking is made optional and added to all content.
- A new satelite node is added around the traveller in the starmap. By clicking that node, it brings up the new LFG options.
- A new LFG system is added. This LFG allows you to select different preferences like if the team members joining must have a mic etc.
- Players can also access this feature through their settings or the app. Therefore allowing them to search for new members at any time they wish.
March making is a good idea. Another player is better than no one on the nightfall and lfg is just grouping ransoms anyway sad we have to leave the game and use a computer to do it.