*follows you into the hatch* "I'm going to pretend I understand what that is."
Bramd - old
This is technically a different dimension, or something like that, cross was rambling on about it, got distracted -
"Hmm, okay then. So how do we get out?" *we drop into a pitch black tunnel and I turn on two lights in my eyes"
Bramd - old
Just help me find the void *red eyes glow in the tunnel* -
Edited by Timeless: 4/1/2016 4:19:22 PMRedacted.
[spoiler]I think I misunderstood your last comment. Did you mean your eyes glow red?[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]My eyes always glow red, it's just easier to see in a dark tunnel[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]I'll just redact my other comment and start off here again.[/spoiler] *scuttling noises can be heard behind us* "Uhhh, I think I forgot to close the hatch." *I hastily load my double barreled shotgun with Explosive Shells*
Bramd - old
*pulls out sword, and the flames illuminate the cave, showing large bat-like creatures* DAMN YOU WIT! -
"DON'T DAMN ME, YOU NEVER TOLD ME TO CLOSE IT!" *I fire off my two explosive shells and take out three bats*
Bramd - old
Is your name Wit? *releases some flares at a large group of bats, killing about 6 of them* If there was one thing about that bastard, it was that he loved animals! -
"Sorry! I can get a little stupid in the heat of battle." *I back up slowly while firing lightning from my hand taking out another trio of bats* "Did this Wit guy create your little training dimension? Or is he some baddie we got to kill."
Bramd - old
Wait! *my red eyes get brighter and brighter, until they are too blinding to look at. The bat things drop from the ceiling dead* Wit is a friend of mine, I dunno why he brought these HERE, but... I'm gonna have to talk with him. -
"Nice party trick, but we should get out of here before more show up. And when you see your friend again, tell him I said hi." *I motion you to follow me before I begin a full on sprint through the tunnel*
Bramd - old
Wait! *dissolves into the ground to find any secret passageways* *reforms in front of you* I found something! Just blow up this wall here *points to the left wall* -
*I stop my sprint and face the wall* "Yes sir." *I produce a C4 explosive and charge it with my electricity* "You may want to stand back, this will be a bigger explosion than your regular C4." *Distant screeches can be heard* "And as soon as it goes off, we book it." *I plant the C4 and move back 10 feet* "Boom." *The explosion destroys the wall no problem and I immediately run for the newly created doorway*
Bramd - old
*The wall is broken, and a swirling void is in the center of the room* There is is *sprints quickly* -
"I assume we just jump into it." *I back up a few feet then sprint into the vortex* "YOLO!"
Edited by BrandRobKus: 4/1/2016 5:36:19 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*you black out when running through* *when you regain consciousness, you are back at the dojo* -
"Ah, finally. So, I believe this is were we part ways."
Bramd - old
Maybe Still better than the lake *jokingly shudders*